Police - quad impounded for 3mins! lol

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
NY - Orange County
Hey guys,

Well.... lol yesterday I was riding in a field behind my house and to make along story short after a short chase (I couldn’t go anywhere because I had been on reserve there was no fuel in the tank) I was caught by the police (my first time ever). Anyway they thought they were slick gave me a ticket for an expired registration (my plate is kept under my seat lol) and they called a tow truck company to have the quad impounded. Well the truck company arrived and I noticed the name of it - I know the owner of this company VERY well... So I call him up on my cell phone and tell him what’s going on and hand my phone to the tow truck driver. His boss instructs the driver to bring the quad where ever I want it and he hangs up. So he loads the quad onto the flat bed and straps it down as I stand over by the police and receive my expired registration ticket. The driver then walks over and asks me where I want to bring it; the cops are like ??? and tell him he has to take it. The driver says yea I know so where do you want it man and I had him drive the quad down town and drop it off at the shop that I have access to lololol! So the cops are like wtf you know some people huh? I tell them yep.... Thanks officer have a good day! They leave grunting... :cool: Now the best part is I happen to also know the owner of the land I was riding on... She is writing a note saying that I have full persmission to be there so the registration ticket will be dropped in court as well!! haha ******* pigs! :-*
hey guys im training to become a cop... but i wouldnt stop ppl for riding on the roads unless the rider is being a total ********
Since when do you have to train to be a pig? Lol just kidding dude! It's a double standard, when ya get busted for something ya hate em and when someone steals your quad and they find it ya love em!!
It's a double standard, when ya get busted for something ya hate em and when someone steals your quad and they find it ya love em!!

Perfect example..
Since when do you have to train to be a pig? Lol just kidding dude! It's a double standard, when ya get busted for something ya hate em and when someone steals your quad and they find it ya love em!!

Naw... I hate them either way around because I can do more myself to find my **** and "prosecute" the thieves then those ******** would do. They take a report & abide by the law (when they don’t feel like doing **** otherwise they are crooked) and pretty much when its gone its gone if you leave it all up to the pigs.
Well when the cops in detroit caught the guy that murdered my bro,his boss and a homeowner they broke multiple bones in his body and then sent him back across the border black and blue to the RCMP. I was very happy to hear that to say the least.