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top motor mounts are alwayse breaking on these thing cuz i just fount that my right side is cracked :/ did you break the frame on the down tube yet? by were your legs rub? thats the main week point in their frames
nope just the front end is kinda off, i think i found a bent spindle too. anywho im contemplating a teardown this winter to freshen it up and get the 446 in it
yep yep i used to thin of steal so imma haveto redo them we did them on quad addicts too and did a much better job of them but only did the left side he hadent broke the right side yet and also put some on a friend of mine who bought my sis's old warrior he did a number on that frame broke the down tube off ! that took some fancy welding to do it without yanking the motor and all but they do their job nicely
Why does Yamaha has to make a motorcycle named the "Warrior" Just to confuse us!?!
Isn't the the Road Warrior or something? I think it's a bit different, but it did confuse me at first for a bit lol.
How high area you wanting to go? Don't think you can take it too high like a 4x4 if you want couple inches try a tad taller tires. Why would you want it taller?
hey guys. can you make the ride height higher on an 87 warrior? how to?
Do you mean higher seat height or higher clearance? Higher clearance = bigger tires. Higher seat height = over stuffed seat and custom seat cover ( any upostery shop can do it)
If feel like I rode the warrior hard and put myself away wet after this weekend. Over 160 miles and 10+ hours of riding this weekend. Sand, Rocks, Dirt, and Blacktop, all of which where at 10mph(posted blacktop speeds) and higher. But Jar-Jar never let me down and took it all like a good wardog.
Been raining all freaking weekend, well since about 3 on Saturday and hasn't really let up did a little last night but started again today rained all day. But its a much much needed relief been one of those long slow rains, maybe will get a good soak and fill up all the ponds and lakes around.