87 warrior no spark

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New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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I have a 87 warrior that needs help. i have no spark.
i tested the stator system to find out the pickup coil seemed bad so i replaced the whole assembly witha ricks stator ass. well still no spark. so i replaced the ign coil with a universal coil. no spark!! any ideas?????
tried a buddies cdi . no spark!!! what does the regulator/ rectifier do??? could it be???

thanks in advance..
you might have a bad ground to the frame i had the same prolbum i replaced a lot of thing from my frends bike and it was a bad ground to the coil
also take the front hood off and pull the nutural switch wires and see if it has spark sometimes they will go bad and will cause it do stumble getting fire and cause it to get none
also take the front hood off and pull the nutural switch wires and see if it has spark sometimes they will go bad and will cause it do stumble getting fire and cause it to get none

If they good bad its probably because you are pressure washing your ATV. You should always avoid pressure washing it. Bad for your chain and some electrical.
the regulator/rectifier changes what ever voltage comes from your stator to the voltage needed to run the electrical accessories on your bike....it also keeps it at the correct amperage. If this box goes bad it could hurt electrical components or possibly not allow for any power. Check to see if you have power from the stator to this box. Then see what comes out of it.
You need to whip out your Multimeter and a spark plug tester. Start at the problem and work your way back tell you find voltage. You may find that you are getting voltage all the way up to the coil but the spark plug wire/plug may be bad!!!!

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