A few problems with my 00 warrior

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New Member
Aug 21, 2007
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So I was out riding with two of my buddies at a local spot, and rode all day with no problems. Right before we were about to leave my buddy jumps on the warrior and takes off down the road. Never gets out of sight so I could see/hear him the whole time. The tone of the bike never changed at all, but when he came back by he let off the gas and the quad quit. Not like the usual sputtering stop, it was running then nothing, like it had locked up... So he stops and gets off and I jump on it wondering why it had done it and it started up fine and idled smooth. As soon as I touched the gas and let off ... dead. When I got it home I started it to back it off the trailer and as soon as I hit the gas something in the case starts knocking. At idle it doesn't knock just when your on the throttle, and it dies abrubtly after letting off the throttle. Any ideas?

2nd question: When I got the quad around the middle of August the guy I bought it from said he had just put a new clutch in the bike. Would'nt you know it ... it slips. My question is you think he lied to get my money or what else could be the cause? It only starts slipping after the bike gets hot also.
I don't really know what to say about your engine trouble, I don't get into that stuff too much. Somebody on here should have some ideas though.

But about the clutch, it could depend on a couple of things. Like if he installed a new clutch, did he install it properly?

Or if he just bought the cheapest clutch he could find, particularly Tusk clutches are known to begin to slip for no apparent reason.

Oil could be another factor, if he used something that didn't work well with the wet clutch.

How it was broken in and rode can affect the clutch too. If he just rode the clutch all day long and smoked it or wore it out, there's a reason.

Of course, as you know, there's also the potential that he fed you a line of **** and actually didn't even touch the clutch.

Either way, I think a new clutch is probably what you'll need to fix the problem, unfortunately.

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