ABOUT ******* TIME!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my bikes done, im picking her up today after school, been three and a half month since i've rode, i cant waitto hit up all the spots again, you can expect about a million billion gillion pics!!!!!!!!!
the guy said with the new mods the bottom end is crazy and the top end huals ass!!!!!!

i cant ******* wait for school to end to go pick it up!!!!!!!
shweeettt, just took the rappy out little bit ago, nice weather here im lovin it hah
ok, now im ******* PISSED!!!!!!!!!!
i got a pm from the guy saying the bike was running strogn, the bottom end was snappy, and taht ge gps'd it at 78.2, SO he says!!!!

when we picked it up, the guy said he rode it for 30 minutes yesterday, and it was great, well we couldnt test ride it since he lives in a gated community and the security has a big problems with atv's( heh, miami, who'd figure.) so naturally we speed home to try it out. well my dad gets the first try, sine he paid fo rit too be fixed. It starts up perfect, he revs it and everything sounds great, BUT, when he took off, thats when we noticed EVEN MORE problems!!!!!!!!
Thier is now a flat spot when you accelerate hard in 1 - 3 gear, and it still has the old rev problem!!!! all the guy did was delay the damn thing, so needless to say im NOT getting this bad ass trailer my dad was gonna get so that we can ride every weekend to make up for all the missed rides, and my bike is running even more shittty then it was BEFORE we brought it in, this ******* sucks, im pissed the **** off, im spending quality time with my bb gun, beer bottles, and whatever the else i can ****** shoot to relieve some stress.
this is such ******** i paid 300 bucks just to have my bike running even more ******!!!!!!!!!!1
Damn man, we never heard this much out of you about the warrior. HAHA...Just joking man. Had to **** with you a little bit.. Hope this thing starts to work out for you soon. I can only imagine that this is getting old and fast. What exactly is a dyno test going to prove??
Damn man, we never heard this much out of you about the warrior. HAHA...Just joking man. Had to **** with you a little bit.. Hope this thing starts to work out for you soon. I can only imagine that this is getting old and fast. What exactly is a dyno test going to prove??
lol dude go ahead and say it, I NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH MY WARRIOR! that thing was the ****, i never had a mechanical problem, i have had serious thoughts about selling the z and modding the **** out of my warrior. times like these really get me 350 thinking!

i dont think a dyno will do crap, but i know the shop has one that they will do for free, and will help with checking the rev limiter.
HAHAHAHA. I was just messing with you, gotta have a little fun with people. If it makes you feel any better today I put my new grab bar on and kill switch and decided to ride it across the road real fast. There is a tractor pull field right across the street (redneck YEP!!!) and the dirt was hard as hell. I was thinking mmmm donut real fast...Well that didn't happen I spun around half a turn and boom I'm on my ass and I didn't have the kill switch attached to me. Needless to say that would have been a perfect time to test it out. HAHAHAHA. I ended up bending my front brake lever and my pride. Hope that cheers you up..
HAHAHAHA. I was just messing with you, gotta have a little fun with people. If it makes you feel any better today I put my new grab bar on and kill switch and decided to ride it across the road real fast. There is a tractor pull field right across the street (redneck YEP!!!) and the dirt was hard as hell. I was thinking mmmm donut real fast...Well that didn't happen I spun around half a turn and boom I'm on my ass and I didn't have the kill switch attached to me. Needless to say that would have been a perfect time to test it out. HAHAHAHA. I ended up bending my front brake lever and my pride. Hope that cheers you up..

lol not really, im the kind of kid who hates seeing people wreck, its funny to myself when i wreck, but when i see a friend on the florr with the quad flipped, im hualin ass over their to check up on things, lol dont worry about the "red neck thing , my favorite riding area ( river ranch) is nicknamed redneck rehab! aint nothing buck blonde hair blue eyed hicks smokin marboral(however you spell it), drinking budwieser, singing hank williams jr and travis tritt by a big ass fire pit! they really do know how to have a good time!!!!!
this is the wierdest thing ever, this morning when we dropped the bike off at the other shop, my dad stayed around to explain to the mechanic what was wrong, so the mechanic rides it, and who'd guess, but their wasnt a flat spot, and it didnt sputter early!
The mechanic told us its running better then expected of for a 400 with the few mods it has.
so we hual ass home to take it to a local spot to see how it fixed it itself over night!
man this thing is ******* fast as hell!!!!!!!!
first and second are kinda sluggish with take off, but 3rd +gear has a weird powerband effect, it starts going fast, and then the bike just has liek a burst of energy and starts dipping!!!!
I gps'd her at 78.4 ;D

i just installed my steering stabilizer, and old bumper( need some protection out their!) and im riding ALL day tomorrow at my friends land.
this is pretty damn wierd, but i like it!!!!!
Glad to hear things may have worked themselves out.

It is kinda weird that the probs disappeared over night, but I've sen it happen with cars.

Could it have been an atmospheric issue? Maybe extremely damp air or something of that nature?

I suppose it doesn't really matter, as long as it's running well.


its official, today has been the end of my 3 month non riding period!!! i rode almost all day today with two other z's rigyht by the house, mostly in other farmers lands but what they dont know dont hurt them :cool:

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