ok, now im ******* PISSED!!!!!!!!!!
i got a pm from the guy saying the bike was running strogn, the bottom end was snappy, and taht ge gps'd it at 78.2, SO he says!!!!
when we picked it up, the guy said he rode it for 30 minutes yesterday, and it was great, well we couldnt test ride it since he lives in a gated community and the security has a big problems with atv's( heh, miami, who'd figure.) so naturally we speed home to try it out. well my dad gets the first try, sine he paid fo rit too be fixed. It starts up perfect, he revs it and everything sounds great, BUT, when he took off, thats when we noticed EVEN MORE problems!!!!!!!!
Thier is now a flat spot when you accelerate hard in 1 - 3 gear, and it still has the old rev problem!!!! all the guy did was delay the damn thing, so needless to say im NOT getting this bad ass trailer my dad was gonna get so that we can ride every weekend to make up for all the missed rides, and my bike is running even more shittty then it was BEFORE we brought it in, this ******* sucks, im pissed the **** off, im spending quality time with my bb gun, beer bottles, and whatever the else i can ****** shoot to relieve some stress.
this is such ******** i paid 300 bucks just to have my bike running even more ******!!!!!!!!!!1