axle bearing?

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i am getting pivot works axle bearings and i was wondering if they had to be pressed in, or is it somthing I can just do at home.
idk i have gotten like 3 different types of axle bearings and ive dont them all at home took a while to get in but once they were they worked fine.
pressing is the easier way to do it, but you have to pay someone if you dont have a press. get a socket that will fit in the bearing carrier and only make contact with the OUTER bearing race (outer edge of the bearing). then all you need is a hammer and bang the ****** in. lube the carrier too, makes it a ton easier. the socket is sometimes hard to find because its huge. i have done it with a pipe that was the proper size.
**** all i do is use a ruber mallet and pound that ****** in. The worse is getting them out when you need to change them, almost as bad a swimarm bolts. hahaha.
I just pop mine in with a block of wood. I don't really see a need to go through all that crap to find a socket that fits around the outer edge and all that. If these bearings are durable enough to withstand the abuse they take while they're on the quad, they better be able to handle the stress of getting pushed into place with a block of wood or a mallet. Think about it, axle bearings are designed to hold up to a lot.
Also, freeze them before you install them. It's supposed to make the metal shrink a little bit and make it easier to get them it. It must work cause I had no problem getting mine in.
And to make them litterally fall in you can also heat the carrier and freeze the bearings at the same time.
I would still make sure to find something to use that only makes contact with the outer bearing race. Even though the bearings are desined with some side load tolerance the extremes of beating them in may ruin them before you get them in, and then your forced to buy another set of bearings before you can go ride.
ok, thanks guys. i'll probably feeze the bearins and heat up the carrier

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