Well, after I got the motor out and stripped some more shtuff off of the frame, I found a bend. Just in front of the engine area, on one of the 2 main bottom bars. (the low, horizontal ones) Obviously, I'm gonna straighten it, but I am also thinking about "sleeving" those tubes as well.
1) because it seems like a weak area, and 2) because since it bent there once already, maybe the integrity may be compromised in that spot.
Any ideas or opinions would be appreciated.
Well, after I got the motor out and stripped some more shtuff off of the frame, I found a bend. Just in front of the engine area, on one of the 2 main bottom bars. (the low, horizontal ones) Obviously, I'm gonna straighten it, but I am also thinking about "sleeving" those tubes as well.
1) because it seems like a weak area, and 2) because since it bent there once already, maybe the integrity may be compromised in that spot.
Any ideas or opinions would be appreciated.