clamp-on k&n owners please read

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
York, PA
Can ANYBODY please give me the part number/model number for the k&n filter that works with the pro-design or Noss kits? I have the adapter, but no damn filter, and can't find the part numbers. The ebay cocknozzle ripped me off. Sent me the wrong filter (too big in diameter) then never sent me the right one when I returned it. If somebody could give me that part number, or even better yet, a link where I could buy one, I'd be forever grateful.
If you have a local "import tuner" shop you can just go there with the inner diameter you need, and they should have a ton to choose from. Find the length you need and the right ID and you're set.
Link doesn't work.

The problem i'm having is all the generic sized filters are too big in diameter. I think that's what the seller sent me to begin with, which is what totally hosed me. They would clamp on fine, but i'd have to cut out 2 sides of my airbox to make it fit, even with the smallest filter o.d. And those small filters are too small to flow as good as i should have. I really need to know what the part number for the one that comes with the kits is. They're smaller in diameter, and longer so they fill the whole airbox.
I already have a uni and don't like the damn thing. It's too much of a pain in the ass to clean, and an outerwears prefilter doesn't work right with them.
I already have a uni and don't like the damn thing. It's too much of a pain in the ass to clean, and an outerwears prefilter doesn't work right with them.

My outerwares works fine with mine...

You are going to need a 2 3/4" diameter filter most likely.. just measure across the piece where the filter is and that would give you your ID. Then order a filter to match that size..

I reccomend a uni with a single stage of foam (not 2) and an outerwares over that. Both can be bought for under 12 bucks and its a better set-up than k&n IMO
I've owned both k&n and uni filters, and there's nothing in the world that's going to convince me to buy another uni. It's a friggin mess to clean and oil them, and there's no way to tell if they're properly oiled throughout or not, because clear oil + red filter = a filter that's still red. It's such a pain in the arse to clean the things that I find myself neglecting the filter constantly, which is worse for the engine than that miniscule amount of particles that some claim will slip past the k&n.

Just any 2 3/4 filter isn't going to work. I already went through that. That's the filter that came with this pos Modquad kit, and it didn't fit in the airbox. I've already got my mind made up on this one, the pro-flow k&n and outerwears is already in my shopping cart.

I can't understand why anybody likes foam filters.
i find them quite easy t clean, takes 1/2 hour and most of the time u dont have to gdo anything....i find that they filter alot more also......idk, everybodys personal preference
I've owned both k&n and uni filters, and there's nothing in the world that's going to convince me to buy another uni. It's a friggin mess to clean and oil them, and there's no way to tell if they're properly oiled throughout or not, because clear oil + red filter = a filter that's still red. It's such a pain in the arse to clean the things that I find myself neglecting the filter constantly, which is worse for the engine than that miniscule amount of particles that some claim will slip past the k&n.

Just any 2 3/4 filter isn't going to work. I already went through that. That's the filter that came with this pos Modquad kit, and it didn't fit in the airbox. I've already got my mind made up on this one, the pro-flow k&n and outerwears is already in my shopping cart.

I can't understand why anybody likes foam filters.

Any 2 3/4 uni filter will fit fine.. a k&n will not fit because of its design, however they make angled filters and if i know your problem its that the filter is touching the raised part of the airbox on the bottom so and angled would solve this

. I cant understand why anyone likes k&n's. Their filtering method is flawed, the oil slips past the filter mass and goes directly into the intake. I have heard of lots of cars having failed mass air meter's just because of putting a k&n drop in filter in place of the stock filter, 1 of them my family owned. Even slight amounts of oil slip past. The problem? The oil is too thin and the holes in the filter are too large. A k&n will work better at filtering if a quality oil such as FAB1 is used in place of the k&n oil. This is more of a problem in the car industry than off-road however they dont flow any better than the set-up i listed. Its impossible for it to do so.

I know i can ride in the dustiest conditions and can still give my intake the white glove treatment afterwards. Not to mention when my outerwares gets dirty i can pull it off and have a nice clean new filter underneath.
I agree, k&n = poopoo They let plenty of **** past the filter and they will clog much faster (and I mean much faster) than the uni. If you want optimum performance with the uni try using the PJ1 filter dressing and cleaner, they work excellently!!! I run the pro design kit with the uni and the filter is clean in no time with that combo. I've used several others such as the klotz and such and they really sucked donkey nuts. When you compare the performance of the two there is absolutely no difference on the warrior. I've ran both simultaneously in a drag against my buddy's warrior with identical mods and they run exactly the same. The only difference I have seen on his warrior was that the exhaust was rich backfiring after only 1 to 2 days in the heavy dust.
I'm not doing it for the power. I've owned both kinds of filters and I know what I like. The cost to clean and re-oil a uni is ridiculous. Every time I re-oil the ******* thing it takes almost an entire can of the ripoff 8 dollar sticky messy **** oil. I got fed up paying out the ass just for some sticky oil, so yesterday when I cleaned it, all I put back on it is some 10w30. If it works with the stock foam filter it'll work with the uni too. A k&n recharge kit is 10 bucks, and will clean that filter at least 10 times.

You talk about oil getting through the k&n. My entire intake and carb is sticky inside from the uni oil getting pulled through, and I know my filter doesn't filter as great as your guys experiences, because the film of oil in the intake seems to be catching as much **** as the filter itself.

I ran a k&n on my recon for 5 years before it needed a top end rebuild. As little as the oil got changed, and as often as that thing found itself bouncing off the rev limiter, i doubt the filter letting dirt pass had much to do with the top end getting worn.

And how do you guys know when a uni is properly oiled throughout? On my k&ns the filter is white at any unoiled spot. What kind of an indication do you guys get when you oil your uni? Because after I spray the thing down with 8 bucks worth of oil it still looks just like it did when it was dry.

As I said, there's nothing that will change my mind about this.
I'm not doing it for the power. I've owned both kinds of filters and I know what I like. The cost to clean and re-oil a uni is ridiculous. Every time I re-oil the ******* thing it takes almost an entire can of the ripoff 8 dollar sticky messy **** oil. I got fed up paying out the ass just for some sticky oil, so yesterday when I cleaned it, all I put back on it is some 10w30. If it works with the stock foam filter it'll work with the uni too. A k&n recharge kit is 10 bucks, and will clean that filter at least 10 times.

You talk about oil getting through the k&n. My entire intake and carb is sticky inside from the uni oil getting pulled through, and I know my filter doesn't filter as great as your guys experiences, because the film of oil in the intake seems to be catching as much **** as the filter itself.

I ran a k&n on my recon for 5 years before it needed a top end rebuild. As little as the oil got changed, and as often as that thing found itself bouncing off the rev limiter, i doubt the filter letting dirt pass had much to do with the top end getting worn.

And how do you guys know when a uni is properly oiled throughout? On my k&ns the filter is white at any unoiled spot. What kind of an indication do you guys get when you oil your uni? Because after I spray the thing down with 8 bucks worth of oil it still looks just like it did when it was dry.

As I said, there's nothing that will change my mind about this.

My filter is black i use fab 1 which is bright blue. I can tell where all the oil is. I hope you didnt use a whole can of filter oil on one cleaning :eek: no wonder your intake was full of oil. I used a big can for nearly 2 years cleaning it every week.

Really, you need like 1/4 of an Oz of oil for the whole filter. You are not trying to make it soaked, just tacky.

And not to add fuel to the K&N debate...but the only way to flow better is to open up the pores of the filter to allow in more air. Larger pores=larger bits get through.

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