dam axle

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2005
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yes i cant get my axle on the money can yall help i need techniques cause mines not that great i can tell the difference and thats bad well plz help
wait wht are you trying to ask??? about getting it aligined right?? or wht kind of after market axel or wht?
Yeah you're going to at least tell us what you're having a problem with. There's not really anything to adjust on the axle, just the chain adjustment on the carrier.
yea i neeed to adjust my carrier bolts to get my chain align cause i put on a 12t and it dont line up srry bout confusion
If it's not aligned now, the only way I know to realign it is to turn the adjusters all the way loose, then tighten the chain with an EQUAL number of turns on each adjuster.

Others may have more info...
I usually take a fine marked ruler and measure how far out the bolt heads are actually, I found that to work better than counting turns. Whenever I counted them it seemed like it would always pull to the right, and I'm positive nothing was ****** up.
That's not a bad idea.

A vernier caliper would work GREAT for that technique.

For those who don't know what a vernier caliper is:
Loosen the top and bottom carrier bolts just enough to allow the carrier to move. Sit on your ass behind the quad facing the back of it and with both of your feet kick the axle on equal both sides forward a few good times. Then screw both the adjuster bolts in until they JUST begin to touch the surface. Take a wrench and just do a half turn on one, then a half turn on the other - repeat until tension is desired. Make sure you tighten up those adjuster nuts & carrier bolts!!! Measuring can be off because all threads aren’t equal nor are all bolts. Take a sharpie marker and mark the top of the adjuster bolt; that’s how I keep track of how much I turned it.
[quote author=deathshadow =quadrelated thread=1136949633 post=1137633954]Sit on your ass behind the quad facing the back of it and with both of your feet kick the axle I am unaware of your judo techniques grasshopper , but I will have to give that a try ;D
I usually take a fine marked ruler and measure how far out the bolt heads are actually, I found that to work better than counting turns. Whenever I counted them it seemed like it would always pull to the right, and I'm positive nothing was ****** up.
i use the ruler method when i do mine too.... works great

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