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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Webster NY
First ride after the new piston. Started up like a champ, sounded good, ran good. After about 40 minutes or so of riding I pulled the clutch in to downshift and it stalled. Let the clutch out and it pop started itself right back up. Next downshift it died again. Let it sit for a few minutes and it started right up. Confused I started riding cautiously. It died again about 200 ft later while on the gas lightly in 1st gear. Wouldn't start again. I got it home now and as far as I can see everthing seems OK. Its getting gas and spark, but won't fire. Just cranks over. The plug looks good, tried a new for for the hell of it, nothing. I'm baffled.
Maybe a tear in the intake manifold? That makes them do all kinds of weird stuff.
i was thinkin about it last night and i thought about how easy it sounded like it was could very well be compression. We will tear it apart again in the next few days.
I was thinkin it cranked real easy too. I put my thumb over the plug hole and it didn't feel like much pressure. Don't have a compression tester. Maybe a stuck valve?
when u put the rings on did u align the rings up or did uput them every which way casue they move when the motor is running and did u hoan the cyclinder befor putting the piston in it and u could have a stuck valve take the valve covers off and tap the valves with a mallett and see if sone is stuck
The rocker arm is probably seized, look inside the valve clearance points and see if the rocker is stuck against the valve. If you just did a rebuild you should have taken them out and reinstalled them/bought new ones and applied white grease to the pins. If it sounds like the motor is really cranking easy that is the problem more than likely, I just had both the intake and exhaust rockers seize because I forgot to do that ****. You really should do that with a brand new high lift/high duration cam. You'll need a slide hammer to get them out, and one I found for really cheap was at mac tools' website. It was only 35 bucks and it was called the 5lb knocker set. Just install a M6 x 1.0mm x 60-70mm or longer bolt in the head and wack away. It sounds like that is your problem, it will run fine for about a half hour and then seize. PM me for further info on how to easily fix the problem without tearing the whole top end apart again. You'll have to pull the head bolt to remove the exhaust one. Another thing that you want to do is fill that 'pool' in the head with oil upon rebuild, warriors are notorious for late delivery of oil. Without that pool filled the new cam really puts some heat and abuse on the rockers. Be sure to check that there is oil pressure in the first place as well, afterall you don't want the same problem to happen again but worse requiring a rebuild of the crank.
we didnt install a cam....just a piston...we didnt touch anything in the head, besides check valve clearences, which were both in spec. We pulled the jug and head last night and found nothing out of the ordinary, piston was good, rings are good, and cylinder wall was good. Got new gaskets coming for tomorrow, he blew out the valves area and cleaned it .....hoping it was just a sticky valve.
Make sure those rockers move freely, they'll only cause more damage if it is them that's the problem.
I put it all back together tonight after cleaning the valves and checking for leaks and what not. Fired up like a champ. Tommorrow I will ride it after work. Wish me luck!!!!

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