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Mar 5, 2006
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I am taking my gf to the oregon dunes for the first time in a acouple weeks. I have taken her to other dunes before, but nothing that has hills this big. How do you warrior/raptor riders that ride sand/dunes like it? Does it struggle up the larger hills? I have a 12 tooth front sprocket for it that I have yet to put on for fear she will be shifting ALL the time, but do you all think this would be a good idea for the sand? I have sand star paddles (v-paddle) that she runs at Moses lake dunes, so everything is good there (by the way, Moses Lake is where she has been before which are smaller, rolling dunes (appr 25-45 feet tall) where as Oregon dunes can be 200+ where we will be going...... even taller in other areas...

Well, your in luck. I am like 1 our of 3 people from the site that have been to oregon dunes. Except the ones u are talking about are probably Coos Bay or Wichester Bay. I havent been there yet. Only Sand lake. But anyways, my quad made it up the bowl at sand lake (idk if u have been there but it is proably about 100ft tall maybe less) But it made it up fine. And i had stock gearing with hauler paddles. But it was sooooo much fun. And i was doing tree shoots and hillclimbs all over. And it just took what i threw at it! ;D
You guys should be fine, just lay on the throttle, don't let go of it (until at the crest), and you'll go up in 3rd or 4th easily. With the stock motor and without nos I was flying up some nasty hills in 3rd and 4th with 14/40 gearing. That was with the carb and dyna though. I would stay with the 13/40 gearing, that is low enough with 20" tires. I was also using sand gecko paddles, which are almost exactly the same performance wise to the sand stars.
You should bring the extra sprocket just in case, it is easy to do a swap if you have a breaker bar and a small stand handy.
yea, i had to downshift when going up hillclimbs though. I would start in like 4th, then when it started to drop RPMs then i would downshift to 3rd, then 2nd, and leave it in 2nd gear.

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