Remove the 2 screws on the MAster Cyl on the bars.
Remove both front tires
Find bleeder screws on calipers. Loosen them(sometimes they need some heat, or lube to break free)
Let the old fluid rush out of one side.
Add fluid to the MC to keep it full
when fluid runs clear out of the side you opened, close the bleeder, and move to other side.
When all old fluid is out, pump handle 3-5 times SLOWLY, then open one bleeder. Let handle come all the way to the bar. Tighten Bleeder, Release handle. Repeat 2-5 times. then repeate for other side in front.
Do not let the MC become empty, and use a sealed brake fluid bottle(selaed as in never opened yet) for the fluid. DOT3 is what you need. DOT4 will work as well, but is more $$$
Just like bleeding brakes on a car.