Had a bad day Friday with my dog

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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So Thursday morning we woke up and our pure bred English Setter was limping and her front leg was swollen really bad so at first we thought it was broke but she was still walking on it so then we thought an infection so Friday morning we got up early and took her in to the vet and they did blood work to see what type of white blood cells were in her blood and come to find out the swollen leg was dew to a insect bite of some kind and if that wasn't enough we also found out she has Limes so that would explain why she has been having such a hard time jumping up on our bed thought she was just getting old (not the case) Damn tick's 3 years ago she had no problems jumping over a 6 foot fence now she can't even get up on a 2 foot bed.
So after about an hour and $300 later we got her back home and on pain meds and some kind of meds for Limes although there is no cure for limes but hopefully it will help her joint pain still waiting for the swelling to go down hopefully by Monday otherwise it's back to the vet and probably another huge $$$:eek:
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bummer dude...sorry to hear.

try glucosamine (sp?) for the joint pain. we had a dane that lived to be 14. yes 14! that started having joint problems at around 10 years, the glucosamine really woke him up and he was like a puppy again
They put her on Doxycycline for the Limes
and thanks warriorrider01 I'll try that where can I get that glucosamine?
That sucks. My sister's dog has limes. We use a product called Arthaway for or old dogs (pretty much crippled) and they are doing really well on it. Atleast the dog isn't too expensive to feed glucose or arthaway, try footing the bill for a horse or two. That gets pricey. Still cheaper than modding the warrior though. lol.

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