handling question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
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West Virginia
Well it doesnt look like anyone wants the warrior or at least not the price im asking for it, I'm gona put it for a little cheaper in the local paper this week (1900 obo) and at the least take 1750. Quads are selling cheap around here like 02 400exs for like 2100 obo etc etc. well getting to the point if I dont sell the warrior I'm gona get some new tires but my question is which tires front or back make more of a handling difference? I have heavy super swampers in the rear and 21 in. 2ply dunlops up front. The rear is probably gona make a buncha difference if you would get a sportier tire which is what i'm doing. If I get new rears I will either get kenda klaws or razr's. If I get new fronts I will get razr 2's. So will swapping out the swampers for klaws/razrs make more of a difference or swapping out the dunlops for razr 2's make more of a difference? Also if I get the new fronts I will probably get 22's instead of 21's.
I run Razrs on the rear. They hook up awesome, but almost too good. I think in the future I will run Razr 2s to loosen the rear up for cornering. Most of my riding is fairly firm dirt, general trail riding. I am currently running the stock Dunlops on the front but am looking into something better, such as Razrs or similar.

To answer your question I'm thinking a matched set of fronts and rears will really wake the handling up.
If you looking for somthing that does good in the dirt, grass, and hard packed sand. get holeshot hd's. I have them on my warrior and omg you can slide around corners like nothing and wip the back end out so easily on anything, perfect for racing. The only down fall is hill climbs and mudd, seeing as in how i love hill climbs and mudd more then anything there not my cup of soup even though i have them.
This is one of those things where you'll get 100 different answers, because everybody has they're own preferences. Like the post above suggesting HDs. I had them and absolutely hated them. I actually CUT them off the rims while they were still good to put Razs on..lol. My favorite tire of all time is regular old six ply Razrs. Cheap, hook well, last forever, can't go wrong.... BUT, you'll have a thousand people that swear by the HDs-personal preference.

About which to replace first, you're going to get different opinions on this too, but if it were me (assuming my rear tires weren't bald) I'd probably get fronts first for handling. The key being that you asked about handling, not traction or getting out of ruts. The stock crappers slide easily, so that's not a problem. The fronts will push though, which is a problem. A good set of fronts will plant the front end while you're sliding the rear, which is a good thing. I'm sure others on here can argue why it would be better to go with the rears first, and have good reasons why. If you can swing it, get all four at once. You'll notice the difference easily.

You know what, I didn't read it all and just noticed the tires you're running now. I'd go rear first just to get those off of there. A good 20" rear will make a huge difference. I guess next time I'll read the whole post before I reply ::)
WEll yakuza I should have also mentioned the terrain I ride in, thats the only reason I'm running 22's. Theres always some deep ruts and what not to where 22's are really a necessity. I ride from hard packed trails, sometimes have to negotiate my way through deep ruts (damn 4wd's) hill climbs and what not. I try to stay out of the mud as much as possible because all that does is tear up ****. After this spring break which is not next week but the week after I will have enough to get 4 tires. So if the warrior doesnt sell next week then I guess I'll be getting maybe razr's for the rear and razr 2's up front.
The size of the fronts doesn't make a big difference. I'd go with the 22's myself, just a tad more ground clearance and sidewall to smooth out the ride.

If it was me, first i'd get rid of those rear tires, and get some 20's on it at all costs. If you absolutely HAVE to get 22's, get them on some 10 inch wheels to eliminate some of that sidewall flex, that's what really kills your handling. Like everyone is saying, there are lots of good tires out there. Razrs are a good all-around tire. I wouldn't pick the klaws just because they can make it near impossible to slide sometimes, they just hook up too damn good. If you're really wanting the best handling, i'd say any of the square profile 20" rear tires will suit you fine. The fronts don't make so much of a difference usually though, unless you notice the ones you have don't grab too well. On warriors front traction usually isn't a major issue because the front end is so heavy. Those razr2 fronts do carve nice though, that's what i'm getting if I ever wear my shredders out enough.
i agree with yamarider
if you want handling go with 20's
they have a lot less sidewall than a 22
ive got razr 20's front/rear and it hanles awsome
my razr's are 6ply on douglas 190's and they are almost a little heavy so my next set will be 4 ply
If I get 20's in the rear how much ground clearance am I gona lose? I really dont need to be losing any ground clearance. Also the tires I have now grip a lot and are heavy but would the klaws be even harder to slide around? I cant see that happening since they are more of a "sport" tire but idk. Oh and is the 10 inch wheels gona make that much differenec if I would go with 22's? Also I rode my bro's 250r yesterday for a little while and it has 22 inch badlands on the rear and I'm not sure what size tire up front but it handles really really good, does anyone know what the stock rear rim size is on a 250r? Because if its 10in. and handles that damn good with 22's I will have to pick up a new set of rear rims.
Regardless of what you're riding on, I'd go with the 20s. Trust me, you'll learn to go thru/around whatever you need to. If you want to handle good, the 22 rears aren't going to help you out at all. And for fronts, I run 22" fronts. The extra little bit of lift helps, and as stated above the extra sidewall flex makes the rough riding a little smoother.
You'll only lose an inch of ground clearance by going to 20's from 22's, it's not that much. The klaws just aren't a good tire for sliding, they just hook up too hard and won't kick out, depending on what surface you're on. They are a lighter tire compared to your mud tires, it's the tread that makes them want to tip you instead of slide. A holeshot or razr will kick out much easier and controllably.

A 10 inch wheel on 22's will make a noticable difference. Your handling still won't be the same as 20's, but 22's on 9 inch wheels are really horrible for cornering, and mine were even 6 plys which is a stiffer sidewall. The tire would rather roll under the wheel and come off the bead than slide sometimes.

The reason that 250r corners so good... is because the 250r is the best handling quad of all time. Put 20's or 18's on that same machine and you'd really be amazed. But yeah, I think the stock rear wheels on them are 10's.
Damn, I'm gona see if anyone around here has a set of 20's I can test out because even though I'll only lose an inch of clearance thats a considerable amount when you only got like 3-4inches of clearance.
I am currently running Maxxis I-razrs on the rear in 20's, they hook up, slide well, and clean out well. Im not sure whether it was a beanfeild last fall or sitting for almost 2 months but they have a slow leak now. and my 23's up front are holsthot xcts alittle tall for my likings but they came at a good price and ride well.
I absolutely disagree with people's opinions on kenda klaws. I have 22/7/10's on front and 22/11/9's on the rear, I believe. I'd have to go check. Man I absolutely love these things. The rears are a little heavy, but I can sling those things around at the push of the throttle, anytime, and on pavement too at almost all speeds. When they were turned for hard terrain, they hooked up a little too good on harder terrain (rock, asphalt, dirtroads, field), but for some reason when they are flipped for soft, they slide out very very veeeeeery easy. I almost think the channels directed that way cause it. I have ridden on quite a few tires and I wouldn't trade these in for any of them. I think you and I ride about the same terrain from what I've read, except that I will go in deep mudholes. I can get through almost any ruts and mudholes, within reason. I haven't gotten it stuck since I bought them, and I've pulled my buddy's foreman out several times knock on wood. I just test drove a z400 with itp's and I knew they would be the first thing to go. I'm not looking for a flaming, this is just my strong opinion for the type of terrain we ride.
I have the Holeshot MX4 20" in the back and 21" up front. I think there pretty good for everything except mud and deep ruts. I get hung up a lot because of the smaller rear tires. There a great tire but they also I see are wearing very quickly. I think if I had to do it again I would have went with some Razor's 22's. 6 ply is nice because I run about a 1 pound or less of air pressure and it really soaks up the bumps and still handles great.
i bought sum kenda gnarley xc's and their great they have soo much treat and their 6 ply

their alsoo sooooo cheap idk why but they work so good and wear slow
I have 20" razrs on the rear and going to a 22" is stupid in my opinion. Not only does it give that klunky utility biek feel but it looks dumb. If your worried about ground clearance get a different atv. Warriors have little ground clearance get a meats skid and forget about it. Just dont be dumb what you ride on. I love everything about my razrs until that get filled with some sticky Missouri clay, then you might as well be on slicks.
yeah me too i guess and i guess being worried about ground clearance because warriors have none to begin with and riding in my terrain you need as much as possible means i should sell it and buy a utility quad or something...

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