Have some questions about exhaust installation

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
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I bought a HMF exhaust for my 05 raptor the instructions say to remove the stock gasket off the header? is that where the (head pipe meets the motor? also it didn't come with the silencer what is it and what does it look like? are they talking about the canister) the only thing it came with was the spark arrestor. thanks for the help guys I'm new to quads so its all new. I'm pretty mechanically inclined been working on jets for 5 years but this is alot different. i wont be able to put it on for the next 4 months because im deployed but this info will help. Thanks again!
That is just the generic directions HMF sends out. That pertains to a whole exhaust including the header coming off of the engine. What you have is just the slip on. While looking at your exhaust you will see a clamp between the small heat shield and long heat shield that keeps your calf off of the pipe. Just loosen this clamp and take the 2 bolts off the brackets on the canister and the pipe will slide off backwards. Slip the new HMF in tighten the circle clamp that came with it and put in the bolt on the top of the pipe into the grab bar mount where the original was mounted. I went to the hardware store and got a bolt that was 1/4" longer since the HMF bracket is a little thicker than the stock mounting bracket.
thanks man i wasnt at home to see and compare. what about the silencer? do i need it?
The silencer is a sell extra part that slips in the end of the pipe that drops the sound down to around 96 db. (?) I have seen them on EBay for $20-25. I do not have one and I have not heard an HMF with one. If you ride in an area that has sound restrictions you will have to pick one up. If you do not mind the loud pipe then you do not need it. I didn't put in the spark arrestor either since no where around here requires it.
the silencer i nthe acual exhaust slip on pipe, the quiter core is the spark arrestor that makes it quietor.
I bought the quiet core for my HMF pipe but am not using it.
It does quite it down a bit. I like the sound with it off. If I ride at a place that has noise restrictions at least I can put it on , takes 1 min. to install.
Since your exhaust is half off anyway you should just take off the head pipe and install a new copper gasket in there anyway. They tend to get fried fairly quickly since they are exposed to the most heat. They are fairly cheap, I got a complete top end rebuild kit including all of the orings, gaskets, and valve seals for 24 bucks. It robs you of the low end power even with minor exhaust leaks.

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