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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2012
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So my "bummer" quad is really depressing me folks. Might need to replace the starter clutch (good news is that I have one), as well as re-seal and or replace the cam chain adjuster (screws aren't tightening), as well as the cherry: Rear bearings. I'm prob going to have to swap out the rear end on the quad for the one of my parts warrior. I'm getting so tired of this pain in the butt quad.. The guys who had it before me are the worst mechanics ever.
Yup I see neglected quads all the time man, costs a small fortune to get em back up to snuff all at once. And yeah, some mechanics are complete hacks, it's unbelievable what kind of white trash ******** people come up with for a permanent solution to a problem.
I think about any ATV you buy now you have to undo a lot of hack jobs it is frustating for sure. The only good news is once you get it back to square one, the sky is the limit on how you build it to suite your wants and needs.
I like to have that piece of mind knowing that mechanicaly the quad is in good shape.
Well its just horses*&t. The cam chain adjuster launched itself off today and that was tightened last time I parked it. The rear end needs bearings AT LEAST. This isn't operator error, I've maybe ridden this bike 80% LESS than my other two because of all the problems... and I've ridden my other ones much harder. It's sad. Today I parked it, maybe for good... :(

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