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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Pinellas Park, FL
I leave for a while and this site blew the **** up, good ******* job guys. How is everyone? I'll be back a hell of alot more often now, i got a new job in this ******** state(alot more money) so i'll be getting another quad soon. Here's my newest toy:


Glock 19, CompTac holster, and DoubleTap ammo

With the 33round mag, just in case mutant brain eating zombies inavde Florida.
Nice. Practice and be careful, friend. I taught my wife to use a Browning .22 semiauto when we got married because I work nights. She can load it in the dark and pop one in the chamber in no time. Needless to say, when I come home unexpectedly, I start yelling as soon as my key hits the door, "honey! It's me! Honey! It's me!"...lol She hasn't shot me yet...lol Personally I like bigger pistols, .357 or .44mags. I'm wanting one like my Dad gave my little bro, Super Blackhawk .44 mag with 12" barrel. That is one accurate hand gun!

I've heard a lot of good things about Glocks. Are those big mags legal in FL?
nice glock.. i have a 9mm rugar handgun with a 15 shot clip, and a .22 revolver, the 22 is fun to play around with ;)
Yeah the 33round mags are legal in FL, ive been stocking up on them because we all know they will be banned again. 9mm may sound like a bitch round to you, but with a normal mag i have 15, plus 1 in the chamber. And here is the specs on the doubletap 124gr i use.
Caliber : 9mm

Bullet : Gold Dot JHP

Ballistics : 124gr @ 1310fps / 473ft. lbs. from a G17.

It hits as hard as a regular .45, and practice rounds are cheap, wally world sells 100 for 8 bucks.
im sorry no way that 9mm can hit as hard as a 45... my dad owns 2 of them and have shot them both... and ive shot my moms glock 9 she used to have noe shw has a dan wesson 9 mm.. if i 9 mm round hit as hard as a 45 then why arent cops using them?
im sorry no way that 9mm can hit as hard as a 45... my dad owns 2 of them and have shot them both... and ive shot my moms glock 9 she used to have noe shw has a dan wesson 9 mm.. if i 9 mm round hit as hard as a 45 then why arent cops using them?

A lot of cops do carry 9mm. ::)
What cops carry depends on their department.
9mm have less energy but that is in direct relation to the smaller bullet. They are, however, faster and flatter shooting than a .45.

Any of them will do the job if you hit what you're shooting at. Some people argue over which is better faster or bigger. I'd rather carry a .357 or .44 over a 9 or 45 either one.
[quote:ikgfrg6b]im sorry no way that 9mm can hit as hard as a 45... my dad owns 2 of them and have shot them both... and ive shot my moms glock 9 she used to have noe shw has a dan wesson 9 mm.. if i 9 mm round hit as hard as a 45 then why arent cops using them?

A lot of cops do carry 9mm. ::)
What cops carry depends on their department.
9mm have less energy but that is in direct relation to the smaller bullet. They are, however, faster and flatter shooting than a .45.

Any of them will do the job if you hit what you're shooting at. Some people argue over which is better faster or bigger. I'd rather carry a .357 or .44 over a 9 or 45 either one. [/quote:ikgfrg6b]
cops used to use the 9 mm but are moving to a .40 -45 now cuz the 9mm lacks stoping power.... 357 to much power for a side arm for me lol but deff wouldnt want to be on the reciving end of any of these guns
they are all good guns... i just like the 45's....but for protection id rather just stick to my armor piercing .22 ruger :cool: ::)
They left 9mm back when the hollowpoints first started to come out, and they had a hard time expanding. Now with modern hollowpoint technology, and the drive to make smaller grain, faster handgun rounds that mimic rifle rounds, such as the new 9x25 dillion, the .45 isn't the king anymore.

Speer GoldDot Hollowpoint ballistics:
.45 Auto 230gr
890 fps
405 ft. lbs of energy(muzzle)
(230 grain being the classic .45 round)

DoubleTap GoldDot Hollowpoint ballistics:
9mm Luger 124gr
473ft. lbs of energy(muzzle)
(124gr being the round the 9mm was designed for)

Heres some facts on the 9x25 dillon
DoubleTap Golddot Hollowpoint
9x25 125gr
827ft. lbs of energy(muzzle)

Just the facts, not opinions.
I'd rather shoot a tapered down 30-06 round such as a 270 out of a rifle, they can run but it'll do no good!!! Some of those rounds can reach up to 4000fps, if they hit a leaf they'll fragment! My buddies dad hit a deer through some brush with one and it looked like the deer got hit with shrapnel at the entry wound!
They make a 22-250 round that is over 4000fps. Your right though, anything will make the bullet disintegrate.

Chuch Hawks wrote "The stopping power of any handgun bullet turns out to be a function of its ability to disrupt vital bodily functions, not the diameter or weight or initial shape of the bullet that strikes the victim. For example, the difference in the size of the entrance hole made by a .451" bullet compared to that made by a .355" bullet in an elastic (semi-self sealing) material like skin turns out to be largely irrelevant to stopping power."

Shot placement is always the key.
They make a 22-250 round that is over 4000fps. Your right though, anything will make the bullet disintegrate.

Chuch Hawks wrote "The stopping power of any handgun bullet turns out to be a function of its ability to disrupt vital bodily functions, not the diameter or weight or initial shape of the bullet that strikes the victim. For example, the difference in the size of the entrance hole made by a .451" bullet compared to that made by a .355" bullet in an elastic (semi-self sealing) material like skin turns out to be largely irrelevant to stopping power."

Shot placement is always the key.

I don't think if u got shot with a cannon ball that shot placement would matter too much... ;)
I don't think if u got shot with a cannon ball that shot placement would matter too much... ;)

I haven't seen a hand held cannon...yet! But if you can't hit with it, I'll take a .22 over it anyday...lol

That's why I like bigger bullets or shotguns for self defense. More likely to hit major organs. Of course, one of my cousins was gut shot with a .22LR and it screwed him up bad. It bounced around so much that it hit most of his major organs except his heart. He lost part of his intestines, spleen, one kidney, liver, bladder and something happened with his lungs but I can't remember now. He has recovered but takes a lot of meds and will for the rest of his life. He might have been better off being shot with a higher powered gun that would have just passed on through. But who knows....