Making double wide footpegs?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Picture Butte, Alberta
So I got a pair of 2nd gen footpegs today from sparkymichigan. (Thanx bro)

I was planing to mate them with my 1st gen pegs, but I hit a snag.. The 1st gen pegs are wider, and shorter than the 2nd gen ones. So my side by side wide pegs would look kinda funny..

After doing some head scratch'n I came up with an idea!! :leer:

Why not cut the 2nd gen pegs in half (lengthwise). Add a small spacer, and use them to basically cover the stockers.. It would be like a peg inside a peg.. lol

What do you guys think? Would that look weird.. I like to do things differently.
i was going to just weld bottom then box the back in and add kick ups and you could add some steal tube in between the gen1 peg and gen2 halfs
Pegception o_O
lol :tup:

Well I was out take'n some measurements and I can't do it that way.. I would have to move my nerfs ahead just enuf that they'll hit the bottom of my expansion chamber.. :tdown:

So now I'm just thinking of cutting the back half off, and widening it that way..
Well I have the same problem. I got a set of first gen pegs from sparky, didn't realize there was a difference in length. Hmmm guess I've got some thinking to do to.
I just got a set of pegs from a 660 raptor that I am going to modify to work.
So I'm in the mood to burn some metal today..
I cut one peg completely off from the base, and this is my plan.
I'm going to save the bases from the 2nd gen pegs, and have a friend in town water jet me some new foot rests. I'm gonna get fancy with the design as well. lol
I'll just get the pieces cut, then weld them together.

As for now I'm just gonna modify the 2nd gen foot rest half, and add it to the back of my stock ones.. I'll post some pics later.
Well I got one tacked together. I still need to make a kick up for it..

What do you guys think?
I have to finish welding them first.
All I have right now is fluxcore wire, and I apparently forgot how to weld with that crap.. lol
Once I finish that, I'll see if or how they hold up?
I have to finish welding them first.
All I have right now is fluxcore wire, and I apparently forgot how to weld with that crap.. lol
Once I finish that, I'll see if or how they hold up?

Yea, the guy that did mine welded them and then put bolts on the inside through those little holes and put a nut on the end of the bolt, just for good measure to hold them together.
That's how I'm going to do mine with the extra set I have.... Just going to cut off the backs weld the bottoms together and run some bolts through them to hold them together. Should be plenty strong enough. Then ill get to doing some filling and make the groves deeper to keep from the mud building up and getting slippery.

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