More Dangerous?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
My brothers friend (thinks he knows everything) says a quad is more dangerous than a dirtbike. just cause he has a dirtbike ('o4 honda crf 150). But a dirtbike is on only 2 wheels where the quad is on four. I think the quad is a lot more safer and not just thinking that cause I have one. but it could depend on how you ride..

What do you guys think?
Depends on how good of a rider you are on them, I had a little 100 dirtbike a year ago just for the fun of it and i wrecked that damn thing more in one day than i've wrecked all the quads i've owned.
overall I'm talking about. I think quads are a whole lot safer cause you are on 4 wheels instead of 2.
of course, it depends, but the quad can fall down over you and it's more heavier than a bike.

For me it's more dangerous, but it's more funny xD
Yo I used to bang my shins up all the time on a DB, and one wrong move in a turn and your eating dirt, I've been there a few times. But there also fun as hell and thats were I started, a 87 Suzuki RM125.
cmon look at my arm for example.... when you wreck a atv you hit it hard....
Oh yeah definitly when your wreck a quad it'll hurt more because of the weight difference, just DBs are easier to wreck IMO.
exactly! i think the same dave. looks like that hurt yamaha350r but you can do the same on a dirtbike.. a dirtbike is more dangerous in my mind cause you can wreck pretty easy. I started my dirtbike riding on my brothers's friends 2001 or 2002 honda CR 50. and I learned the hard way that you should be careful if your going to take yours hands off the handlebars! LOL so on a quad you can go with no hands with ease. but thats only a little reason :)
i agree with buster400. cause so many quad wreks end up worse than dirtbike wreks do.
yea i think dirtbikes are more dangerous its just when you wreck your less likely to get as badly hurt than on a fourwheeler. this is off topic but also there are alot more things to get ****** up on a fourwheeler when you wreck too.
Another thing to consider is with a dirtbike, you have much larger diameter tires. This makes is MUCH easier to cross ruts and stuff. Both have their ups and downs, don't really think I'd say either is worse than the other.
you guys all have good points when you wreck a quad it usually ends up worse but you dont wreck as much as you do on a bike. ive seen some pretty nasty crashes on both but i voted quad
a wreck is a wreck.... but also take into consideration that they are made for different things. everything wrecks hard. but what you choose to do with them is what makes you wreck.

for instance- my hydroplaning wreck. without the quad i would have never chosen to travel 30-35 feet across a pond. stupid yes, but possible indeed so.

bike- not doing it unless im filming for nitro circus five. considered insane by many on two wheels, where jumping 150 gaps is cake for bike riders with real experience. thats insane!! if you have seen akraix 2, then you know ben bettis almost ate **** the first time he went for that gap. a bike would have been different. if the bike came up short like he did, no axle was breaking.... just a nice throwing of your body over the bars and HELLLLOOOOOO rebound, so to say quads wreck harder is just an out to minor spills where weight is really an issue.

bottom line- any powersport is dangerous. thats why we do it. if your concerned about wrecking then dont do something. BOTH are equal!!!!

if you fall its because you couldnt make something happen regardless of what your on-bike or quad. it is simply a matter of rider and how they position themselves to make something happen.

as far as skill- bikes need the mastering a quad might not. for wheels rolls without lean. two wheels is obviously a little harder. this is the difference- skill level. not how hard they can wreck.

Quads are way more dangerous.. you cant get away from them when you wreck. I wrecked dirtbikes more... but never get hurt near as bad as i did my first wreck on my quad. Quads are more dangerous just because of the fact that you can get caught on everything... also they are impossible to save on a hillclimb.. if you dont make it both you and your machine are getting messed up.

Dirtbike i simply put it down on its side... pick it up and ride back down.
thats why you get to the top no matter what haha

Well thats everyones plan when they start a hill but more than a few things can happen when climbing something serious... hillclimbing is one of the few ATV/dirtbike sports that isnt looked at as being competitive or difficult as the others but the truth is most people wouldnt even have the balls to attempt the hills at an actual event. It takes skill and alot of it.. most of which your trail riders dont have.

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