My luck...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Virginia
Well I'm in the process of getting ready to sell the warrior but of course there are more things wrong with it than I had expected...About a month ago I noticed a little vibration in the handlebars but never really thought anything about, started it up the other day and the handlebars had a bad vibration. One of the top motor mounts is broke now. Then while it sat there running it sounds like the valves need adjusted also :-/ So I'm gona take the motor mount off and have it welded and prolly just leave the valves for the new owner to mess with lol. Well just needed to vent.

p.s. does removing the top motor mount require taking anything off? i never really looked to see if anything would need to be taken off.
other than the hood, tank cover, and gas tank, i don't think you'll have to take anything off to get the mount off. You probably won't be able to get it with the tank still on.
i have done it without taking anything off, but i dont recommend it. it was very frustrating. you can take all the things off that yamarider said, change the mount and put it back together faster than contorting your arm and making 1/4 turn on the bolts at a time.
I hope some four stroke maitenence isnt putting you down...

Valves need to be adjusted on every four stroke machine and its not a big deal.

And the motor mount isnt a big deal... fix it.

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