my starting problem......

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monroe City Mo
Ok guys after i come home from work on the weekends and want to ride my warrior it never wants to start. It will crank and crank and will eventually backfire or sometimes start(rarely). I know the battery is good and it has been load tested(previous suggestion). Once started it will start after that usually and be fine for a couple of hours. could it be my pickup? sometimes it just dies when riding for no reason but will start right back also runs like its missing when its idling, not very smooth. It runs great after about 1/4 throttle but is choppy under that. kind of hard to explain but im checking for suggestions. any help is greatly appreciated.
Sounds like a fuel delivery problem.

Have you tried cleaning/rebuilding the carb?
checked the valves less than a month ago and carb hasnt had any problems lately but ill check through it

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