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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia & Wright City MO
Ok.. I have this problem.. my bike would fire and run and I could rev it up.. then when I went to ride it it would pop and crack like its out of gas.. so I took the carb off and cleaned it because I just got done with a race thinking it had dirt in it... Well I put it back together and it started up.. then went out to ride it and it would start then die... then start then die... It did this a few time and now it wont start now.. it will crank but will not fire... I then left it at that.. Now my question is do I have a problem with my stator or do I just need to take the carb of again and clean it in a tank?? someone please help me.. the days are counting down to the next race..
idk much man, but maybe just do the maintenance stuff, like clean the filter/ change the oil, reclean the carb...... sry this doesn't help much
sounds like what happened to my raptor.. the stator went bad... maybe check into that
I messed with it some more today.. and it just seem like there is something blockin the gas.. I cleaned the carb lastnight.. but I guess i will have to do it again.. it will sometimes start then die.. or it will start and run for a min then die... It just make no since besides the carb beening dirty...
To me it sounds like you have something either in the gas tank, the pet cock(the fuel on/off lever), or the line to the carb or carb. On my snowmobile I had a cracked like and it wouldnt suck gas for more than a few mins. But thats pumped not gravity flow...
the pet cock usualy has a screen filter on it, take it off and give it a few squirts of carb cleener, make sure your lines arent gumbed up at all, clean the carb, and put new gas in, if that dosent help, make sure your putting the carb back together the right way
the fuel from the tank flows good.. ??? the carb its self isn't in that good of shape.. I found a keihin carb.. do you think it will help me with what little motor mods I have..
changing the carb may or may not help. From reading this thread I don't see if you have isolated the problem yet to being fuel or spark or for that matter compression. Changing the carb at this point may just add another problem. How did you come to the conclusion that your carb isn't in "good shape"? Having dirt in the bowl can give you the problem your having and as you ride it stirs up and clogs the main jet. It could also be electrical -such as a short in the harness or stator issues. Do you have good spark? I would also think that a sticking valve could do it.

compression, fuel and spark -what is working right? That is how you will find what is wrong.

Sounds like you should get a manual -ebay motors -manuals --- about $10 should get you one on disc.
Why I said it bad is because were the linkage is under that black peice of plastic is all rusted up..

I rode it yesterday and it started and and got on it rode it up the driveway and did a donut, and came back and it died.. then it did want to start.. I am still leaning to think that there is still a floater in the carb.. I am going to try to clean it again today before I even try to start it.
just to let you know with all thsi ****** gas...if ou let the bike sit for more then a few days the needle valve in the float of the carb can seiaze up cause of all the **** in the gas ...... i have had to replace my needle valve once already and prob am gonna need to do it again soon as my bike is not even wanting to start.....the only way to fix it is buy turning the fual off after every ride....but run the fule that is in the float bowl out when the fuel is turned off......this is what happened to me...maybe it happening to you...hope it helps
Well I just got it running this morning.. I soaked the carb with carb cleaner to make sure I got everything out.. and put it back together and it works just fine... Thanks for your help...

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