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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
i HOPE it doesnt RAIN AGAIN this weekend. it is supposed to be like 45 degrees though. but ah well, i neeeeed to do some riding! I've been hoping every weekend it doesnt rain but god doesn't answer my prayers. haha, anyways i thought this was kind of a useless thread so i'm gunna add a little something.

digital cameras. whats a decent camera that you guys have and you got for a decent price!? because im bugging my parents for one, but they dont seem to give a ****. haha, so I might just see if I can get one for christmas. so give me some comments!

a Kodak c310 or somthing like that its super cheap and good quality if u look for my pics in the image section u can see and last time i check u can get them at wal mart
I have a kodak v530. I got it for about $130 I think. It takes awesome pictures, but what really sold me on it is the ability to record good quality video with optical zoom and audio. It's also nice and compact, only slightly larger than a credit card, and 3/4" thick so you can carry it around in your pocket all day and never notice it. The only thing I don't like about it is that like most kodak digitals, it doesn't have a usb cable to plug directly into your computer and let you use the digital camera wizard to manage your pictures. It has this stupid easyshare dock and software that you have to use, which is a pain in the ass. But if you have a memory card reader, you can just take the card out of the camera and manage your pics with the wizard that way, which is what i've done since the first day I got the camera.
for your first paragraph,
riding in the rain is the ****!!! find your self a nice shallow muddy area and you'll have the time of your life!

second paragraph,
Im in the same boat, cheap digi wanted!
i have a c310 and it does take good pictures but if you are wanting to take a short video it doesnt have sound which is the only reason i dont like it
well having a camera that takes video doesnt really matter to me. but I need a camera that has a USB! otherwise I wouldnt want one :p Im getting my dad to ask his fiend what lives in windsor to check out future shop and stuff. he knows whats a good deal and stuff. but if anyone else has suggestions i'd liek that!

I got the Canon powershot A80, it's a pretty awsome camera, you can get the newer model for like $200
i seen an Olympus digi camera in the source flyer. used to be radio shack. 6.3 mega pixels, 3X optical zoom, 4X digital zoom, 2.5" LCD screen for $175.99

sounds like a good deal. told my dad but all he says is "hmm" LOL, which means i'll have to tell my mom so she can tell my dadio.

so far the weather looks good! no blue skies, cold as hell, but as long as there is no rain I think i'll actually be able to ride tomarrow!! that is if my dad doesnt say "oh, its too cold, I dont want to go out in this ****" haha.. whimp :p

i'm gunna bring the video camera along so my dad or my brother can take some video. IF I happen to go!
well its saturday and well, im pretty sure im going riding. too bad I dont have a digi camera. but i'm gunna bring the camcorder a long and bug my dad to take some video of me. My dad says the ******* beans probly arent going to be off the field cause of all the rain! :mad: ******* sucks, but I'll just have to wait. i am going to be cleaning the airfilter, and adjusting how it idles to see if i get better throttle response! so, im going to get the gas out of the shed, get the key, and get riding!
ah ****, just got home from the farm. wasn't too great. pretty wet and my uncles farm is the only farm that still has the beans on :| so, well MAYBE if things go right next weekend (only supposed to rain wednesday) i'll charge the camera up and hope that the beans are off the field. jjust happends to be the weekend my mom has off of work, so if she comes she can tape.

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