Shifter over oil cooler?!?!?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Right behind you!
K im finaly coming to an end of my project warrior and i got the engine in, put the big bear oil cooler kit on and i for got that the stock shifter doesnt fit over the cooler kit. So im going to a salvage yard tomarrrow to get some parts.

What kind of shifter should i get? I herd yfz does a direct hook to the engine and if fits over the kit. Is that true? I need to know by 3:30 friday what shifter works withough mods so i can get it when im there.

K im dont have the time for that i just want to buy something that wont look like ****, i want a direct shift anyways, and i can get basicly any shifter for cheap today i just need to know what quad or bike to get it off of. And i need to know in the next hour.
I've heard of people using 400ex shifter, yfz shifters and yz250 shifters for direct shift. I know the yz250 one will not clear a big bear thing, but I dont about the yfz and 400ex ones. I do know that people buy a banshee shifter and cut and bed it to make it work over the big bear thing. I believer there is a guide here under the tutorials on how to do it.
Your going to have to make somthing dude, I don't think there is even anything you can bend that will fit, and if it does it might be a bit weak. I bent the 400ex shifter to fit my quad and it ended up bending on every down shift.
well everything i looked at at the salvage yard didnt work so im just going to bend the stock one. Im kinda pissed becuase its going to make it shorter :-/ but o well

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