smoother throttle?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
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back in late december i replaced the throttle cable and cleaned the carb. i didnt notice this until i rode my brother's rancher, but the thumb throttle takes about 2-3 times the effort on mine vs the rancher. there is some slop in it when i lift it up or down. moves maybe 1/16". i'm guessing the bushings are shot inside the housing. is there any adjustment on the carb to ease up the tension or a tip/trick that anyone knows about. on decent rides fatigue has been a serious issue. i dont want to cut rides short because of it. any advice would be appreciated.
Get a motion pro cable and keep it lubed good, you might be able to get some new bushings from a yamaha dealer too, I don't know for sure, but I know mine is due for some new ones too.

edit: I see that you already replaced the cable, so hmm... did you lube the cable? Did you lube up the carb after you cleaned it?
well, i'm gonna have to go with a big negatory on lubing the cable and the carb. that could be a problem, huh? since the cable is already installed, can it be lubed? the cable seemed lubed when we put it on, but i'm guessing it was probably just a lube to avoid corrosion etc.

motogrid has all the individual parts and the whole assembly.
A little wd-40 will work great for a cable, take it off. Hang it up and spray in in the end of it pretty good, then move the cable with your hands and repeat, shouldnt take long untill you can see the wd coming out the other side. Your throttle housing should also have a big glob of grease on it. And the carb can be lubed using a little grease i think but id reccomend taking it apart to do that.

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