So what does it feel like to Destroy your quad?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hastings, Pa
It ****** sucks major ass mother ****** balls. So a simple 10 min ride turns out to be the worst ride of my warrior's life.

The story:

Well i havent rode my quad since a poker run about a week ago. So I figured its a beautiful day out ill go for a spin through my woods. Get the quad out and run my flattrack a little bit (or so i call it haha), then go down over my old jump Go around my turn Crack it open and its pulls the wheels off in 3rd like always, i let off the gas front end comes down, and SMACK right into a ******* tree with my right front wheel. With my motor the way it was, and 14/40 + 22" tires in third gear i was moving pretty good. Well needless to say i went over the bars and smashed off the tree while upside down, then to the ground. Thank god for Helmets, dont leave the house without one, this is save number 3 for my helmet.

MY injuries:

Scraped up hand and a good 2" puncture wound in my leg, Trip to the ER, stitched and etc. Now i ahve to be on meds for infection since i dont know if it was my quad that did the wound or the tree.

The Quad:

Well most of the time in a situation like this you would bend an A-arm and wheel, tie-rods etc. Well upon first inspection thats what i thought i did because the wheel was touching the nerfs. No big deal now i can just get a good suspension set-up. As i got up off the ground, my whole ****** quad looks like an S. Instead of bending the arms it broke the whole frame, not just the arms mounts, the frame is litterally snapped, and bent all over the place way back to the grab bar. So to make a long story short, i need a new frame, new A-arm's right side, and new shock since this one looks bent and twisted. Ohh and just to tell you how bent the frame is, none of the fron plastic lines up, the hood is misaligned with the gask tank, the hood faces left, and my front plastic faces right. and is cracked by the hood. The reverse lever wont work because its bent and my upper motor mounts look to be bent or snapped, my grab bar in the rear sit level and, the frame sits angled towards the right side. How cool????!?!

My plan, buy a used frame and paint or powdercoat it black, yellow,silver or white, maybe even a fade who knows. Aftermarket arms, prolly american stars from ebay +2, and superior suspension shocks up front. Then i need new wheels since the right one is bent just slightly. So douglas 190's. Some other misc stuff, grab bar, etc.

That or maybe a part out and buy a yz250 or banshee maybe even a street bike. Who knows for now it will sit since i just put about 100 bucks in it to finish the motor.

It still runs, and i rode it, just doesnt turn haha. But the part that blows is i just finished the motor, it was just past break in, and it was running so great. But hey **** happens, better to break the frame than to be stuck in a hospital bed.

So to sum it up, i ****** up, now im going to come back better than before, and while spending as little as possible haha.
I guess this could go into the battle scars section. haha thanks bro, im fine i laughed it off, but id imagine the warrior is crying a little bit.

Sorry for the typing, but my hands a little messed up.
Dude that sucks. I don't know if I'd go through the trouble of replacing everything though.... too much time and money, I say just go for a bigger quad and part out. Get better man.
yeah dude that sucks, whatever your desicion make a good one lol (in other words..... fix it bitch) hahahahaha jk yea man hope your feeling better
i got a frame, doesnt have headlight tabs though

lmk, ill sell it cheap
i got a frame, doesnt have headlight tabs though

lmk, ill sell it cheap

hmm well thats not big deal since my current frame is trashed i could always reweld the mount on the new one, but right now im broke, when i get some cash ill get a hold of you.
That sucks man, i'm surprised I didn't do that myself already. I know i've had more than my share of close calls where I almost clipped a tree while haulin ass, I guess i'm just lucky.
SO, I hope you and your quad heal faster. I know how it feels to **** up your quad. Like you mentioned, I have had my ball joint pop the **** out while riding on a CLIFF, I hit a tree and bent the a arms on the right side, welded them babies back up. Then I had the nut fall off cause somehow cotter pins fall out?? I was cruisinggg at paragon, needless to say, another bent a arm. It feels sHIITYY. best of luck. Mike
I would never be able to laugh that off id be rip **** hah, good luck rebuildin or findin a new quad man glad to hear ure not hurt
Dude, that sucks donkey balls!!

But at least you walked away from it.

Too much of this stuff happening already this season.

"Let's be careful out there."

...But hey **** happens, better to break the frame than to be stuck in a hospital bed.

Was that a shot at me?? :mad:
sorry to hear that man hope u get well fast and rebuild it if u decid to go back to stock a arms i have a full set ill let go for 100 plus shiping in execlent condition i got a set off a 01 that hardely got ridden

You'rea member in good standing. Maybe RMC will be willing to work something out for you to get his frame...

Don't mean to put words in anyone's mouth, was just a thought...

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