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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Well, my dad tool the z to this shop a couple days ago, the mechanic working on my bike replied pretty quick with all the answer's to our questions. He said what we thought was wrong with the z IS whats wrong with it, we just didnt know what to do to fix it. I dont know if the mech was just trying to help me out or what, but he said it needs few aftermarket parts here and their to work, and he sent us a list of the stuff, and a price, needless to say i had a big smile on my face

The mech said on his z400 he had a similar problem, and when he added an aftermarket rev box and sprocket it fixed the problem. So he told my dad what he wanted to do, and what i cant believe is that my dad wanted "more" i guess you can say.
My dad told the mechanic that instead of getting a +1000 rev box, bump it up to +2000, and for the rear sprocket make it a 39 instead of 40.

i think i'll be running pretty quick with these mods
I should be riding next week, you can expect about 1 billion pics, and maybe some vids, I've been out of this sport for a few months so to hear something like this is like WOOOOO HOOOO!!!!
Plus 2000 rpms over stock? Are you sure that the motor will be able to adequetly handle 1000? Id watch going to high with the rpms with some upgraded internal motor parts, unless the z is diffrent. But when suzuki made that machine and put a rev limiter on it, im assuming that revving the motor past that point could have some bad effects on the internals over time or maybe even right away.
By 'pipe' do you mean exhaust??

If so, that means nothing regarding your internals
i would think that over-revving might strain your crank and rod (not sure though, please correct me if im wrong). i think ive also heard that those zukis like high revs, but im not sure about that high. rev limiters have a purpose, and that is to limit the revs to avoid damage. im not sure what gains people get from them since you produce your power at a certain powerband/rev range and dont really gain any power up that high, but i guess i could be wrong. i have been before. well, im off to the shop to pay for my new clutch lever and block off plate. might put some down on some pro taper contour oversize bars and clamps too. yummy!!!

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