****** Throttle Response

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Oct 9, 2006
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My buddy brought his warrior over to my house for me to fix the throttle resoponse problem. Seen on here or another sight that the most common problem for this is accel pump, checked his and it wasnt working right so I put my carb on his which is perfect and it still has the same problem so now im like wtf is up? Any help?
When you give the gas it just bogs down and goes dead in neutral. When your in first idleing along and gun it goes dead. ***** getting old quick any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try swapping out your CDI or whatever ( the computer box thing) maybe its bad. Or could be a wiring problem, check all the grounds and stuff.
have u tried unpluging the parking break ******** sencer thats a lot of the prolbums on warriors they have them on there and they go bad unplug it and thr it then
All that stuff is gone. I dont what it is tho, I might try my CDI on his but i doubt thats what it is.
Check the harness by CDI where it goes around frame. Need to pull rear plastic. This is something every Warrior owner should check. Been there, done that.

From there test stator, check to make sure plug boot is on wire tight, test coil. It is good you have 2 Warriors -easier to eliminate what it is not. Chances are high it is not the CDI

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