Video Camreas

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Oxford, Pa
What are some good High definition video camreas that some of you guys use? after i get my dirtbike or parts im thinking about buying a video camrea... but it needs to have a way to hook up the the computer... good definition... no blurry **** when u look at it on the computer... and not that expensive...
do you have some clips of it? like the definition and is the sound and crap like that good?
If you look in the videos section there are videos I have made with it. Remeber while editing the video I reduced the quality so that the file wouldn't be 30 megs...Well as a matter of fact I made a video yesterday with it strapped to my helmet by my goggles...But its kinda big..
I can do video with my sony 6.1 for 17.min......cant beat the quality till ya get a real digi camcorder ;D
If you look in the videos section there are videos I have made with it. Remeber while editing the video I reduced the quality so that the file wouldn't be 30 megs...Well as a matter of fact I made a video yesterday with it strapped to my helmet by my goggles...But its kinda big..

Ill go and check the video section now... is it the one with you doin the wheelies? and having the raptor with orange hood or watever?

How bout these?

Once you record with a vhs you can just put it on your computer can't you?

Whats that for?
ooooooooooo hmmm thats not a bad idea... lmfao to bad my comuter is downstairs and my tv/vcr is upstairs...
hey pelphrey is there a way to change the lighting on that camrea? i was just watching it and it looked kinda dark...

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