What did you do to your quad today?

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blasters are known for blowing main seals even though its not a blaster I guess its time for a rebuild
Well I tore it half apart today, and the piston looks good. The motor was rebuilt just before I bought it. He had receipts.. But I never asked about the crank seals?
I have good compression, and the seals look ok. It could be a nasty air leak that caused my problem, or it could be electrical?
It's weird. I've never heard a 2 stroke backfire like that..
My blaster was backfiring on me and I had to keep it Wide open just for it to idle. The problem was my stator was on its way out
attempted to remove my exhaust header bolts with no luck, now they are soaking again.
I'm not much of a 2 stroke guy, but, other then what 88 said, how were the reeds?
The reeds look brand new, but there is a split in my intake. I believe the backfire blew out the base gasket, and thats why it won't start now.

I'm gonna go threw it, I hope the stator isn't going bad.. How could I test it???
The reeds look brand new, but there is a split in my intake. I believe the backfire blew out the base gasket, and thats why it won't start now.

I'm gonna go threw it, I hope the stator isn't going bad.. How could I test it???

*facepalm* test the stator wires! GOSH! make sure they are in spec.
Sense mine dosent have any heel gaurd frame mounts i made some and welded them on last friday and i bought Sparky's rear works shock so i cleaned it up some and installed it, picked the ass up and looks cool now im gonna have to paint my front springs to match the works!!!
thats just the size of the door bro,, i got a heater out there but hate filling it up, but theres a waist high tool box just inside to the right up against the wall, got a small compressor in there and an executive desk up against the wall that i use for a work table the hole other side is all shelving thats full of house ****,,, if i flip my rear tires and extend out the a-arms i gotta cut out the damn door, with the new nerfs i have about half an inch on each side for them to clear..
It was Christmas at my house today and the mail lady was my secret Santa!


And my one off custom design DRW special is on it's way up from Texas as of 1:30pm Feb 19th!!

Also got my Air Scoops from "SparkyMichigan" Thanks Josh! Got them all stickered up and ready to install



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Hell Yea man! can't wait for my day! I bought a spare 97 bored out warrior w/ no fire and new tires I have to go pick up, and ordered tires.


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