what needle

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
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albany N.Y.
what needle should i use in my edel...it is wa too rich wven tho the one in it is backed out

what should i use to lean it out and then i can richen it in the winter
the one that comes installed in it is the 18. You probably need to move down to a 16 then. But that sounds like it would be too lean to me, when I had a setup similar to yours I was running an 18 with no problems, and now i'm running a 20 with my current mods. Especially in the winter that 16 is probably going to be too lean for you.
whell now wherever the needle is, it is waaayyy too rich in or out, so im looking for something that will be lean all the way out and not really rich all the way in
The needle adjustment has nothing to do with the overall mixture, the needle itself affects the top end mixture.

The needle adjustment affects low end.

For some reason i dont think you have ever picked up the manual to your carb and actually had a good read through it. It tells you everything in a drop dead simple manner.

I was not trying to be a dick i was being serious, if you dont have a manual email edelbrock and ask for one, it will most likely be free and they will even toss a few stickers in id imagine.
thisis ********, this crap is confusing as it is.....and yes i have read it....stop being such a ass, thats all you have been the last day or so
I need to know where you are lean to help you out.

If you are lean on the bottom end, then you have to adjust the needle using the turn knob provided and or the screwdriver method described in the manual, im not 100% sure but i think tighening makes it leaner and losening makes it richer, but check to be sure.

If you are lean on the top end then you have to replace the needle with a difrent size. Which involves taking the gas tank off, and disconnecting the carb cables, you can change it while its on the quad. The manual gives you all the tools and step by step instructons on how to do it.

With your mods i could see you running around an 18E.. with about 15-2 clicks from full rich on the needle adjustment, but thats just a guess it varies greatly.

The needle adjustment affects 0-1/3 thottle
The needle itself affects 1/3 to full

Another thing that would help would be to do a valve adjustment, it can richen up your quad a very considerable amount depending on how far off the tolerences are. So when you jet your setting are for when its fresh off an adjustment.

Also the accelerator pump only affects throttle response, i would give you an approxamit place to put it but ive adjusted mine so much i have no idea where its at...

The edelbrock carb is simple to jet, yet it requires a lot of patience to get it perfect, once its perfect you will most likely never have to adjust it again unless you are doing some mods. The edelbrock adjusts itself to elevation changes, much like EFI except its a carburator.

Also one last thing, if all else fails you can also adjust the floats to gain fuel but i do not reccomend this, its pretty touchy and little adjustments can make all kinds of things happen.

And for the record i was not being a dick in my last post, you just seemed sorda clueless as to what you were doing so i was simply helping you out, i hope my post helps, but what i told you can all be found in the manual.
i have no clue what im doing....all i know is it is rich and i ned to lean it out, we were planning on doing the valves. so should i try your recomendation on the jetting ind if it dont work, go from there?
How could you have read the owner's manual and not have a clue what you're doing? It explains everything clearly. If you can't figure that out, with the directions and troubleshooting right in front of you, then find somebody you know that can show you how. I think you've already heard it 100's of times that every machine, location, and setup is going to have different jetting requirements, and it's not the kind of thing where somebody can just come right out and tell you exactly what you need to do, without you doing some troubleshooting yourself.
how come im getting **** cause i dont know anything about the internals of a carb or what jets and needles do and what the ajutments are.......im sorry, i just dont know what to do

hopefully doug can help if he cmes up to help me with the few things im doing
how come im getting **** cause i dont know anything about the internals of a carb or what jets and needles do and what the ajutments are.......im sorry, i just dont know what to do

hopefully doug can help if he cmes up to help me with the few things im doing

The way i just described it is about as simple as its going to get, if i lived close to you id come give you a hand.

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