I'll get back to you on that. Let me talk to my dad about price and machine time on making the pieces needed to fill the gap. I would also most likely need you (the buyer) to send me your raptor 350 dogbone.Very nice job! Would you consider selling the dogbones?
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Clean out your PM inbox, I need to send you some info on the sale of the Lengthened Raptor 350 Linkage.Very nice job! Would you consider selling the dogbones?
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Clean out your PM inbox, I need to send you some info on the sale of the Lengthened Raptor 350 Linkage.
PM sent.Done. Thank you.
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Cuts on what? the dogbone?Hey man, Question... what did your dad use to make the cuts?
Oh the sprocket guard and the rotor guard. The sprocket guard was cut using a CNC Bridgeport and then was finished on a lathe. The rotor guard I cut free hand on a band saw, and then smoothed it out with a die-grinder. I drilled the holes in the rotor guard on a Bridgeport before cutting it out. I did most of the machining on the rotor guard and the dogbone pieces, and my dad did the machining on the sprocket guard.The custom protectors
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JC I have a GT Thunder sprocket guard setup for sale if interested, Fits all 350 raptors and YFZ's
This is starting to be my favorite thread on here
Let me clean my inbox and I will send ya some in a bit, By the way Top notch on your rebuild, I love it
JC, that GTThunder rear sprocket guard wont fit the warrior sprocket... it sounds like Tim thinks you have a raptor 350 lol