1st YZ465 project!

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Dude, one of the local Yammy shops did $500 worth of work on it man, they put a new stator in it & used some chintzy butt connectors & the crimps sucked! Needless to say the splices were poor & fire was hit & miss b/c of the connections. I repaired the wires properly (soldered in new wire & good shrink tube), cleaned the magneto & replaced the plug (again), kicked it about 7 times & the evil began, lol! Damn thing hurts my foot though so I prefer to just run & bump start it. I LOVE this thing! What a rush! I don't even think it's on the top of it's game right now, it's a lil rich, the carb needs a lil fine tuning & honestly the top end is gettin loose in it. If it were mine it would get a bore & new piston immediately. I'd clean up the the ports a lil & consider a new more modern carb fori it. Cool old bike though!
I cannot tolerate hackery man. It's one thing to use similar methods for a temporary fix, quite another to do such madness on the stator as a permanent solution & charge such a hefty fee! I'm proud & disgusted at the same time, proud that I was able to accomplish what "proffessionals" charged $500 for yet could notfix & totally disgusted that people actually do this kindd of work, sad:(
Dude, it's the whole flat rate mentallity that's taken over most shops, both automotive & powersports. Most guys just wanna get the job done & make their money. Personally, this is why I feel that talented individuals trying to make an honest living are the better choice for service, it's more thorough & more attention to detail is paid. I look at everything I do & consider what the person who may come behind me to service the vehicle/quad/bike may think of the work they see before them. I certainly would not like to soil my reputation with similar hackery as to what I saw today! Admittedly, I am not the best mechanic, nor do I consider myself a "technician", that's the biggest ******** title ever given, I am however a good mechanic, I take pride in my work & enjoy feeling accomplished.
Well, today I made some adjustments for fine tuning & blew the carb out one last time, moved the needle up 2 slots to lean it a lil & it's better than ever. Gave it some fresh gas with new 93 & Yamalube too, adjusted the chain, etc, just went over the bike. Honesstly, I'll be disappointed to see it go.
I'm gonna tell the guy that I have dibs if he ever wants to part with it.......best rush I've had for a while!!
you shouldn't move the needle and screw with the carb like that w/o doing a plug chop to see what it needs to be "right". a 2stroke will ALWAYS run better lean but it'll also burn the top end out in NO TIME and thats something you dont want it coming back for.
It was way rich, that's why I moved it. I had done a plug chop, the plug was coal black. I actually put it back to it's stock setting, I had moved it to richen it a lil while testing to get it running. I wouldn't just lean it & chance ruining it, I check things, record settings & bike performance from that setting, etc, I keep a log on it.

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