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i just have a question.... which would climb Long, steep and when i say long and steep i mean hills that are 400-500 feet long, and are about ----> / that steep, no joke, i've seen my freinds kx250 just FLY up those hills, but my freinds 450r's have trouble...... also, i found a '01 kx125, stock, just rebuilt......
an 01 is kind of old, i'm sure you could find a newer bike in better shape for same price range. and if you seen friends climb those hills you can answer that question yourself. My friend is trying to save up fast to buy this 2005 KX 125 for only $4300 or close that that!! (canadian money) thats cheap for an 05! the best time to start looking for a bike or quad would of been in the fall, cause most people want to get rid of them fast or whatever but now, you could see a sweet bike, but then few months after you would see one that is 10X better for same price or even cheaper, just figure out what you want first then start hunting, put ads on the autotrader or something if you want something specific, someone might not know if they want to sell but see your add and give you a call. My dad got lucky when he did that. He was lookng on ebay for a rare car but they were all too far away so he put an ad in the paper and this one guy calls him up from Toronto and has one almost EXACTLY what he was looking for. He said he wasnt' gunan sell but he has over 30 cars so he could let it go.

so if you've seen friends on a dirtbike climb the hill no prob but the 450 had problems, what do you think would climb better? and don't forget 450's don't have reverse so it might not be a good idea. a bike you could just swing it around in the trails
reasons i want a bike
they well( my freinds FLY through the trails, and can go places where quads cant, like tighter spaces, or up steeper longer hills) but im worried, cuz i like riding in snow, but it only snows like half a month round here, and im prolly gonna be snowboarding any ways, but if that guys says yes to the trade, then i think im going to do it!
Youre gonn ahate yourself for trading the recon, as bad as it is, a dirtbike is worse, You cant go eat **** on it becuase you constantly have to be on the powerband, give up wheelies and donuts, and with that twist throttle you wont be jumping anything for a while.
i say the one on the 450r cant ride good or he was scared because we have some very steep long hills around here and 450r's go up them easily.
oh, and the last thing we want to hear is you getting a dirtbike/quad thats too powerful and the next day or the day you got out of the hospital coming on here and saying you ran into a tree or tried to do a superman! I would say go with a quad. quads are more expensive than bikes cause well theres more to them but i think it's worth it. a 400ex would be great cause the 'o4's and up have reverse. and yea, dirtbike's have twist throttle so you would need to take it rly easy cause you wouldn't be used to it and it could take a while, and jumbing is WAY different
You all know whats gonna happen if he gets a bike right,

He's going to see a go kart make some huge hill climb and hes going to be making a thread" SHould I trade my dirtbike for a go-kart? I've seen them do some crazy ****, and You get to sit down and not get as tired" or some **** like that, Keep your damn recon idiot, actually, Convince your damn parents to sell it, and save up for a quad.
ahahahah lmao^^^^ i love reading hcr's posts. hahaha some of the stuff you ask is just plane stupid.. Do what you think sell the recon and buy a sport quad? You complain about no $ get a job and save up it feels so good when you save for somethin and buy it with the hard money that you earned. Dont jump on the first deal weather it be a cr 125 or what ever thats just taking the easy way out. if you want a dirt bike save for one that goona be good for you and what you want to do.

ahahahah lmao^^^^ i love reading hcr's posts. hahaha some of the stuff you ask is just plane stupid.. Do what you think sell the recon and buy a sport quad? You complain about no $ get a job and save up it feels so good when you save for somethin and buy it with the hard money that you earned. Dont jump on the first deal weather it be a cr 125 or what ever thats just taking the easy way out. if you want a dirt bike save for one that goona be good for you and what you want to do.


Actually, I think it would take forever for a young teenager working a job that pays minimum wage! seriously, if you wanted to do that, look for used, but newer stuff. you can always find ads of people needing to get rid of it fast trust me if it's the same situation in the U.S I look on the auto trader and people need to get rid of them.

You need to think if you think it's worth selling the recon and think if it's worth spending lots of money on a newer sport quad/bike cause you seem to be having fun on the recon
aka, im really starting to not like the recon, im not just saying this so yall think i hate it, my freinds zuki 230 quad has more UMPH than mine, but im 90% sure im getting a '01 Kx125
your 90% full of bs dude, you just told me a few days ago how you were almost sure that you were gona buy a built 400ex....if i was a betting kind of guy, i would bet that you will end up keeping the recon.
your 90% full of bs dude, you just told me a few days ago how you were almost sure that you were gona buy a built 400ex....if i was a betting kind of guy, i would bet that you will end up keeping the recon.

yea, i WAS going to get a built 400, but the guy changed his mind, and said he just wanted to buy another quad, instead of trading, plus, he was in wisconson(sp) and i'm in ohio, the VERY bottom of ohio, so that would be a 8 hour roadtrip to go meet him, and have a 50% chance that his daughter WOULDNT like it, so all togethor, that would be a 16 hour road trip, not including gas,hotel,food,etc.

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