2001 warrior running badly

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Aug 1, 2006
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Hi all! I just got an 01 warrior off a friend that was sitting for about a year. I replaced the battery, rode it, and it is missing at about 3/4 throttle like crazy! lately it would stall after about a half hour of riding and not start again. I would try to bump start it, then it would miss worse. shut it off than it would start fine(still missing at high throttle though). I cleaned the carb, cleaned air filter, changed plug, checked parking brake pin. It does have an aftermarket muffler on it, but it has been running fine since 01 with it. Any other Ideas. (I'm going to check all harnesses now)
have you changed the gas? I know it seems like common sense question, but have you? With it missing around 3/4 throttle sounds like a jetting issue to me or the jet's could be clogged, I know you said you cleaned the carb, but how well did you get the jets? Does the warrior have any other mods? Do you know the last time the valve lash was checked, if not it would be a good idea to check that also. Do you also know when the last oil change was? I don't think the oil change would help your situation much, but a little preventative maintenance can go a long way.
I agree with imtarnished. Sounds like dirt in the bowl. As you run it stirs up, first losing power then dieing. You shut it off-dirt settles and you start over again. The main jet is clogging (probably)

I just went through that on my 2001 -3 rides in a row. Kept getting dirt in the carb -couldn't figure out where it was coming from, as after the first time, I put a fuel filter inline. turns out the carb breather hose is suppose to be directed into flap at rear of tank, so it draws air from above. Not saying that is your problem, but the symptoms match.
I cleaned the carb and jets out really good. the bowl was actually very clean. i did find some wires that go to the cdi were rubbing a bit bare, but i took care of that. still no change
Then I'd check the CDI itself, on warriors there is a common problem where the CDI will rub bare like those wires against your frame, and start to ground. it may only die when water get's inbetween the CDI and frame making the connection and making it short. Or it could be from the vibration from riding making it jump and then short. pull the CDI from underneath, see if that's worn through also.
Did you completely drain the fuel, and clean out the tank? If you just drained it but didn't clean it, it could be the sediment from the bottom of the tank from the old fuel, mixing up while riding, then clogging up your jet's again, which would mean you have to clean the tank, and the carb again... :-[
I did pull the CDI last night and check it. It all looks in tack. The tank had been drained then cleaned and i ran 93 octane fuel through it last time. do you think I should start with new jets and if so what size??
Well first off, I don't think you should have to run 93 octane, I run 91 in mine, and from the previous owner, he said he noticed less carbon build up, and said it ran smoother on 91. I haven't questioned it since it runs like a top. I have tried adjusting the needles to get a it a touch better, but only due to 100*+ heat have I been able to tune it better then he has had it.

I don't think that 93 octane will make it run like you stated how it has been acting up, so it's not that, well shouldn't be. On the Jet's issue, I can't say what you should run because I'm not sure of the elevation you live at, Motor mods (other then exhaust, if any), the temp changes the jetting (I hadto richen mine within the last weeks), If you still have the stock carb or anything other than stock (I doubt it, but different jet kits, run on different number scales).

If you can, get ahold of the guy you got it from, and ask him what kind of jet kit he had installed (dyno, alba are 2 of the kinds of jet kits, not sure if there are others off the top of my head). If he can't remember, then we will have to go by where you live, and what current mods you have done, and use that as a basis, then go the whole trial and error route, and see what runs best.
p.s. My appoligies, Most Warriors don't have the issues your dealing with at the moment. Once we get it running fine, It should end up being one of the more reliable/stress free quads you could own.
I appreciate all the help. It is still the stock carb with the stock jets. The only mod is an EMF exhaust. As far as elevation, I live in Ohio so it is only about 900 feet or so.
I did notice that the spark may not be too good. It is still blue but it doesn't seem powerful or bright. It is really thin and dull, but it does start up fine, usually.

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