250R basket case, what's it worth?

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What year? How much is there (or what is missing)? How are the engine cases?
Pretty sure it's an '88. The guy that has it is a Honda freak, he has one that is Modded & in great shape & has enough parts to build 3 more. The engine is complete & intact but blown. I helped this guy out with some money & helped keep him from losing one of his bikes, so he's willing to offer me some of the best of what he has to build this quad & has said that I could get from him whatever else I may need to put it back together from him. He basically told me to figure up what the going rate for something like this is & he & I could work out a good deal. I think it's his way of trying to show his appreciation.
I'm not really a Honda guy out a 250R is on my list of OLDSCHOOL KOOL stuff that I wanna get my hands on.
Yeah I'd say $500-600 for a basket case... no more though. They are great bikes, but parts are not the easiest to come by because most were discontinued and some old used parts are fetching premium prices due to their scarcity
My opinion?
Basket cases = almost free. In general, nobody wants em, and there are lots to pick from.

Both of my recent dirt bike finds were basket cases. I got both for less than a new helmet costs. Neither bike actually needs that much to get back up and running, either. The WR even has all of the small parts ziplock bagged and tagged.

Quad value? I'd shoot for $200-300 max if you're sure everything's there. Some dudes have that "Barrett-Jackson" mentality, 'cause they had a friend's cousin's Uncle's grade school teacher see a 250R advertised for $3K somewhere.
Doesn't make their basket case worth $3K.
Some may be insulted, some are realistic.

BTW, how did the CR250 acquisition go?
The CR is back to it's original owner & I made $100. I got to ride a cool bike for a lil bit,make a few bucks & a dude got to keep his bike.
I'm thinking I don't wanna give more than $500 for it & even that's a gamble to me. I would really enjoy having it though, especially with my cousins Blasty gettin better & better. I really think the 250R is one of the cooler looking machines from back in the day.
From back in the day? 250R's are still great looking bikes now.

$500 would be worth definitely, if like you said, you could get all of the parts from him that you needed to make it complete. When its done, the blaster and warrior wont touch it, especially with simple things like a pipe.

I'd drop $500 on a basket case 250R right now if it came with everything, and that is with 3 quads in the project phases right now with one being an 89 250R
Yeah, I consider the 80's back in the day, man. Yeah, it's still a great looking machine by today's standards but I was classing with the machines of it's era when new. I think I'm gonna see what I can get it for. I remember wanting a R as a kid so what's old is new again sometimes ya know...
Food for thought. I just sold a 90% complete 81 atc250r that had weak spark. The bike wasn't pristine, but was deff a great everyday rider. Sold it for $450. Just earlier this week I saw a near complete 87-88 Kawasaki tecate 250 that supposedly only needed a starter. Guy was asking $400. Check ebay to get an idea on prices. There was a guy on there selling 2 86-89 250r's as a pair. One was on the basket case side.

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