96 warrior running problem

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Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
birmingham Alabama
I have a 96 warrior that I put the wiseco piston in, has full exaust and aftermarket airfilter. My problem is that it is missing when you give it any gas, idles fine. almost sounds like a rev limiter or something. could the cdi box cause it to miss or would it just go out completely, or any ideas what I could check. thanks. Also when It starts missing it also starts smoking. not sure if its oil or loading up with gas since it is missing. When the oil ring went bad on the old piston is smoked like a coal train but did not miss at all.
What is the Ohm reading on your ignition coil?

Plug is good? no cracks etc - do you have new one to try?

All connections clean and tight?

Is your parking brake on (have you tried bypassing the reverse cut out switch?
I was thinking about the reverse cut out, is there a how to on that? I have tried two coils from good running 4 wheelers. also tried a new plug with no change.
On mine there are two sets of wires on the left handle bar. 1 is a 4 wire going to the run switch, and a 2 wire for the parking brake. If you trace those wires under the "hood" you will see their connectors, they should just unplug and the be able to plug back into each other.
ok, I dont think this one has that wiring set up like that, I also have taken the parking brake off, there is only the one plug for the clutch lever. i know what your talking about because my banshee has the two plugs like that.
Well I checked a few things tonight and found that the pickup coil ohms reading is about 530, could the pickup coil be bad but still let it idle fine?

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