accident got worse!!!!

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Ok blame it on yamaha because they didnt design the frame for f ing crash course racing!!! Slow down or learn how to ride and stop crashing the f ing thing maybe your frames will not bend. They built it to roll on the wheels and jump and land ...on the wheels not cartwheel it down a mountain !!!!!

dude shut the **** up, what you have never crashed or bent something in your life, **** happens and people need to deal with it...i had never flipped anything until i got my warrior and the first time i flipped it i bent something........we get adreniline rushes doing different might like going 5mph but some people like to do crazy stuff, like me (rolling 360's on wet grass with HD's)
Ok blame it on yamaha because they didnt design the frame for f ing crash course racing!!! Slow down or learn how to ride and stop crashing the f ing thing maybe your frames will not bend. They built it to roll on the wheels and jump and land ...on the wheels not cartwheel it down a mountain !!!!!

Yeah, they're not designed for crashing, as i've found out. But it would have been nice if they had engineered a little extra strength into the damn thing so you wouldn't destroy a $750 part from simply hitting a tree or sliding into a ditch, because sometimes, when you're having fun, **** happens and your quad goes through something other than recommended in the owner's manual. In my experience, at least some of the other manufacturers DO design their frames to take a hit. I bottomed out my honda recon so ******* hard that it bounced 3 feet back into the air after I landed, caught the bottom part of the frame on rocks going 30 mph that stopped me dead in my tracks, and rolled it more times than I can count and didn't get as much as a single stress crack in the paint on the frame. I've bent 2 frames on the warrior now from stuff that wouldn't have even phased that little honda. I've also witnessed my cousin's suzuki quadracer roll end over end from about 50 mph across a field, and finally came to rest against a tree, and the frame was still perfectly straight.

Did you ever closely look at the frame on the warrior? Hell, you don't even need to look at it that close, you can see that the frame is built like **** from 30 feet away! I love my warrior, but there's a few things in the design that should have never made it to the dealer's showroom.

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