Best Trail Mods?

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They are pretty nice but like was said earlier they are getting hard to find for a decent price. Tires in Canada here are about 100 bucks each, so it has to be a good choice. It sucks. His tires are worn, and they wore pretty fast. Is this common for the realtors?
I am not super heavy (140 max with gear) so I am not that hard on stuff like tierods and suspension.

It doesn't have much to do with what you weigh. All it takes is to clip a tree the wrong way, or get a tire hung up on a rock or caught in a rut. They snap off a lot easier than they should. And when they do break, you're pretty much ******. I had to get a pickup truck back through the trails to pick mine up and get it to the trailer, and it sounds like a truck isn't going to make it back through the stuff you ride on.

There are a few bumpers out there that have a sort of a skid/bash plate built into them. Cobra has one. PRM has a couple. Pro Aluminum also has a few.
[quote:uz8aukn7]Here are super swamper vampires and for your riding condition i say they would fit in well. They come in 22-12.50-9 and are relatively inexpensive compared to others.

Vampires are good for mud, but only mud. Anything else, and you'll probably be going back on your decision to purchase them. They're heavy as hell, they ride rougher than any other tire on the market, they tear the hell out of the trails, and they don't do very well unless there's mud on the ground. They're pretty rough on the machine too.[/quote:uz8aukn7]

Well i agree and disagree. They are heavey, and they do tear the hell out of trails. But the tread is soft and they dont ride that bad, and i know a couple people that have them and they said they are good all around tires. But everyones got their opinions. I've personally never used them though...
Well i have had my realtor for almost a year and a half and look at the tred. But i have never ridden on the streets with them, i have other tiers for that. Its all about how you ride them. I ride all mud and rocks and hill climes. I never ride on the street witht them or peel out with them unless im stuck on a hill climb. My are holding up pritty good the only thing that ever happend to them that i didnt like was that i went up a rocky hill and didnt make it with enof speed then gunned it and cut them up but that was a problem with the trails.
His were worn beyond use in about 6 months, must have been the rider. I will look into them, see if I can even get them around here.
well they are 6ply they should even get anything gone nere 6 months how did he use them. Try looking on ebay you can come across a pair on there sometimes for a good price that are new. Ill try to fine a websit for them. Also if you look in some of the dirt riders there is an add in them for pure sport tiers. I think i look at the one from 2 or 3 months ago and it was there.

Also if you are looking for skids i would look into a full skid set from armadillo off road. I got mine on ebay for 224 or somthing like that. I used all of them exsept the a-arms which im selling and they work amazingly i havent had a prob with them yet no bends or **** like that and i ride them hard like rocks and ruts all day long.
well they are 6ply they should even get anything gone nere 6 months how did he use them. Try looking on ebay you can come across a pair on there sometimes for a good price that are new. Ill try to fine a websit for them. Also if you look in some of the dirt riders there is an add in them for pure sport tiers. I think i look at the one from 2 or 3 months ago and it was there.

Also if you are looking for skids i would look into a full skid set from armadillo off road. I got mine on ebay for 224 or somthing like that. I used all of them exsept the a-arms which im selling and they work amazingly i havent had a prob with them yet no bends or **** like that and i ride them hard like rocks and ruts all day long.
here are some good sites that i have found but i am still looking. odList.asp%3FidCategory%3D1&h=35&w=69&sz=5&hl=en&start=17&tbnid=0SYclJTonYzH9M:&tbnh=34&tbnw=68&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpure%2 Bsports%2Batv%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

They say that have them but you have to call for a price...IDK if they got a good price or not but i thought the ship price would be good for you since its in canada.
P.S. copy and past the whole second one becuase it wont work unless you do that.
I saw those, for trail riding IMO you would be much better off with the 22's.
I have a buddy with a Z400 with the Mudlites on the back of his quad (20-11-9). They go like hell thru anything, but he said the handling went to **** because they don't want to slide.
First off if you have a z400 you should probly kill yourself becuase they are suzuki and they break all the time. Also y would you take a z in the woods they always get suck. there so low. Just get 22 thats what my friend has on his z and it accualy gets though some stuff. Last y if your going to get mud tiers for a z y would you get small ones like i said go with the 22" and you will be fine other wise your jsut getting caught up on the skid plate and there is no point in having that mud tiers becuase your going to get stuck if there that small.
First off if you have a z400 you should probly kill yourself becuase they are suzuki and they break all the time. Also y would you take a z in the woods they always get suck. there so low. Just get 22 thats what my friend has on his z and it accualy gets though some stuff. Last y if your going to get mud tiers for a z y would you get small ones like i said go with the 22" and you will be fine other wise your jsut getting caught up on the skid plate and there is no point in having that mud tiers becuase your going to get stuck if there that small.

Not to burst your bubble or anything but them breaking all the time has got them the best all around sport ATV of the year award afew times. They are an awsome machine and if i was to get a 400 it would be the one id go out and buy.
Not to mention it has better ground clearance than my 350 with 20" rears and 22" fronts. That's why I went up to 22" fronts because I hit everything and could get hung up easily. My bike sits low with the new arms and shocks.
i personaly would never get any kind of 400 unless yamaha made one and its just like the 450 but smaller and with reverse because every 400 that has come out that is a sport sucks so bad. The 400ex doesnt have reverse and shound like there going to blow up when you rev them high. The suzuki and kawasaki 400 both suck in my opion for trails which i do, sound like **** too, and they dont feal reliable at all that subframe crap pisses me off. There too big for the size of the engine seriously compack them or somthing because if you ride the yfz then any 400 your like wtf there so big. I would def take a warrior any day over any 400 becuase not leave out the fact that they come close to keeping up with the 400ex.
The 400ex does have reverse, had it for two years now.
umm im sorry that im not rich and can look at that new **** and it has only had it for one year unless your counting that we are two days into 2007. And the 400ex still sounds like its going to blow up but i would take it over the suzuki and the kawasaki anyday if i had to get a 400 because its a honda and its going to last forever.
Pretty sure it came out on the 2005 model, and since they are on the 2007 model year that is 2 years going on three, correct me if I'm wrong. And I have personally rode a Z400, there is nothng wrong with them and they are lighter than a Warrior, so they arn't huge like you claim. Only thing I didn't like was the way the front end drops off and you can't see it sitting, gives me a nervous feeling.
Yes you are right about the 2005 and i appologize to whoever i flip on. But have you ever riden a yfz it has a lot bigger engine and its a lot smaller when you sit on it. I just hate the 400z and the kfx400 and the 400ex is still big but ide say its better then the 3. All the 450 sound better and are smaller is what im trying to say. Mybe since yamaha hasnt kame out with a 400 yeat they should make one. It should be the same type of engine but smaller and the frame should be the same if not smaller that would be tight and kick ass.
the z400 is probably the best sport quad for trails ever made. They did have some flaws in the designs, but at least they're getting worked out. Without a doubt, it's a better trail machine than the 450's. The 450's ride rough and have the bottom end power of a 2 stroke. And they don't handle the abuse a more trail-friendly machine like a z400, 400ex, or raptor can handle.
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