Carb adjustment and new plug

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gotta be man cause a stuck float would make it flood out and stall or not run at all banking on valve seals or oil ring collapsed partially
can always try the mystery oil trick that Gen1Pat told me to have my buddy try on his 94
whats the oil trick? and i havent checked the oil yet. I didnt check it after i changed the oil because o was to excited to go and ride so i wouldnt know. lol
i take that back, i checked it today when i was riding but couldnt really tell because it was clear looking
if it happens to be the oil ring the trick is put the piston at BDC and fill the cylinder up with Marvel Mystery Oil put plug back in and let sit for a week or 2 and then pull plug out turn engine over a little and put plug back in and runtil the oil is burned out of cylinder or stops smoking and then put new plug in and see if it's better
we are on 1 week of sitting with it in my buddys 94 so we will see when he comes back if it worked
yea i will have to see how your buddys goes before i do that to I remember reading that on a forum that genpat 1 had commented on before. I hope it works!
It's not April 1st, is it?

That's why it's called "Mystery" oil... it's a mystery that anyone believes claims like that...
It will not fix bad/worn/tensionless oil rings or scratches in the cylinder. Two weeks, one week, 5 minutes...whatever mystery sauce happens to leak past said worn rings will only dilute the crankcase oil; the same that your bearings and clutches run in. And what's actually in mystery oil? Dunno, it's a mystery, and I wouldn't want it in my clutches.

The only sure thing here is that it will create one hell of a mess on the garage floor :iagree:.

A compression test will not reflect the condition of the oil (bottom) rings, only the compression (top 2) rings.

Think about it, guys... JMO... save your $$ for a proper fix... your mileage may vary...
It's not April 1st, is it?

That's why it's called "Mystery" oil... it's a mystery that anyone believes claims like that...
It will not fix bad/worn/tensionless oil rings or scratches in the cylinder. Two weeks, one week, 5 minutes...whatever mystery sauce happens to leak past said worn rings will only dilute the crankcase oil; the same that your bearings and clutches run in. And what's actually in mystery oil? Dunno, it's a mystery, and I wouldn't want it in my clutches.

The only sure thing here is that it will create one hell of a mess on the garage floor :iagree:.

A compression test will not reflect the condition of the oil (bottom) rings, only the compression (top 2) rings.

Think about it, guys... JMO... save your $$ for a proper fix... your mileage may vary...

It's good to hear someone else, say it.......
I have seen it help to recondition the rings. I've done that trick myself and it has worked. My father has done it MANY times with success in the past. The oil rings could be gummed up and sticking in it's groove. It does clean, it lubricates, it enhances the hydrualic properties of oil. And as for having it in the crankcase, it is ment to be run in oil or gasoline. I've used it in both and it is the only thing that I will run in either of the 2. Is it a permanent fix? No. But, is it worth a shot? Yes. Additionally, you see all these oil companies pushing that their product helps recondition the walls and rings. Does it work? That is up to you. And for those that do believe it, they are just as subject to disbelief by others, as I am. Take it for what it's worth. I like it, I use it, I've had luck with it. Maybe someone else will, too.
yeah my push mower seized up yesterday and I put a little mystery oil in her and she freed up and runs great again so there is my proof in the pudding
I don't believe that Pat said that it would fix scores in the cylinder wall or worn rings. He said it would help free up stuck rings due to sitting, gummed up, that kinda nastiness. Worn metal is worn metal but something gumming up the rings, hell, I'd try PB Blaster or WD-40 if I thought it was worth a shot. Either way, what's a couple of bucks just to try in the grand scheme of things? If it needs a rebuild, it needs a rebuild.

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