Carburetor choice?

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That seems like a better idea, just cut the head off and use visegrips to unscrew it, now if only I could find my visegrips.

I've always had luck with the smaller vise grips for getting those head to turn out. I like the high buck ones because the teeth or jaws tend not to move and be more solid when trying to clamp the part your working with...
Not yet, I'm looking online right now. If I can't find anything I'll just call up my dealership and ask them to order one.
Some strange stuff I found, the main jet is a 130, which probably means that that I'll have some trouble jetting because it seems that the jet size/fuel amount ratio is different for this carb, so I'll have to do alot of guessing. And after partially removing the choke assembly I found out that the hole where it goes into is filled with rust and the spring that brings it back is broken into 3 pieces, no wonder this thing was being sold for so cheap. :p

Maybe I'll do a little write-up after this is done, because I can see that this is a nice carb.
need any help and I'm here for you...
130 was stock in my tm36 flat slide. I ended up with a 120 main, I believe and really big pilot like 25 because of the air filter right off the carb.
Well if you're using a 120 I should be using something around 115-ish? That seems really low though. People with piped and filtered Z400s are running 150-160 with their stock carbs, so using that as a baseline I'm thinking around 135-140 for my piped and filtered warrior. Unless I'm way off with my estimates.
Honestly I have no idea where you should start as different carbs seem to have different vacuum at the jet blocks thus effecting how much fuel will flow through the jet at a given time. Since Flat slide carbs have more vacuum at the jet blocks giving you better metering and ablity to fine tune you will see as why I have to run smaller jet sizes then say a CV style carb.
I would start rich and work lean. You might just end up with the 150 or what ever you had stock as this carb looks to be very close stock wise to a raptor 350 carb.

edit; from reading some jetting specs I'm getting the idea that the pilot circuit sees more vacuum and the main is about the same.. look at the stock specs.
I think I'll start with a 145 because that's the smallest main I have because Z400's with similar mods run 150's and up and their motors are so much more powerful and 50cc bigger. Just bought a knob-style choke because these carbs come with a choke cable that goes to the bars for some stupid reason. I also made a quick TPS blockoff plate out of sheetmetal because I didn't like the big piece of black plastic sticking out.

So far I've spent almost $100 for this whole thing, and I've yet to buy the carb boot. But around $45 of it was just for shipping to Canada. :mad:

EDIT: So then by my guess, I'll start out with a 150 like you said, then go down from there. But looks like I'll need to buy a 22.5 pilot.
sons of *******!
Remember as well that z400's run more compression so this will effect fuel flow and if you had two of the same motors one with more compression will burn less fuel.
But I agree I would try a 145 and see what happens.
I bet if they didn't run the choke to the bars people would bitch about having to reach under the gas tank.
Nobody's ever happy with what they have. :p And that's true about compression, I'll just use a 150 and hope it works.
Another question, does the rappy 350 carb have a starter jet? The Z400 does, and I have no idea what size I should make it. Stock on the Z400 is 60, and I don't want to waste time and money on yet another jet that could be off, so I want to just one one that's really close to what it should be. I've got time, the choke plunger still didn't get here so I can't run it yet anyway.
So what size is it?

EDIT: Got an idea, could somebody measure the distance between the middles of the 2 mounting holes on the carb boot? I would do it myself but I'm not with my warrior at the moment, and won't see it for at least a week. I have a feeling that the rappy 660 boot will fit, and they go for pretty cheap on ebay.

EDIT: Nevermind, it doesn't fit.

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