Clutch "Dragging", HELP

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My clutch had been draggen like that forever...............Reverse is worse than forward as you described.

But its usually only when the engine isnt up to temprature.
The thickness of cool oil will make a differance for sure.
I would run it up to temp and try it again.

I.m not so sure I would be running 10 40 in the summer months.........I,m a 20 50 guy : )

I also heard the Barnette clutches cause more problems thean there worth.
Peeps say the Kevlar there made of wears gritty and can csuase bearing damage. ( i dont know how true it is)
so death, what kind of clutch kit would you recommend? im thinking about replacing mine sometime in the near future and want to get something good for the money and not too expensive. what about clutch baskets? i dont think many people make them for the warrior but ive seen dalton industries makes one. any ideas?
so death, what kind of clutch kit would you recommend? im thinking about replacing mine sometime in the near future and want to get something good for the money and not too expensive. what about clutch baskets? i dont think many people make them for the warrior but ive seen dalton industries makes one. any ideas?

Hinson baskets are "billet proof" and the best. Also I would go with a Hinson clutch or DP clutch.
hinson doesnt make clutch baskets or clutch kits for warriors do they? last time i checked they didnt but ill check again.
well i checked and they dont. must be nice to have a yfz. everyone makes everything for them. companies are starting to forget about the warriors and make stuff for 450s and it sucks!
Thanks for the responses. It's boards like this that make the sport even more fun.
I rode my Warrior over the weekend and the problem did go away once the oil temp came up. Interesting, though. You would think that oil wouldn't have that kind of effect on clutch plates that were supposed to be uncoupled. Live & learn :)

And I appreciate the manuf. tips like SRP. I like the looks of that EZ Pull Pro clutch lever system. I've been thinking of "cleaning up" the bars by taking off that pesky parking brake. The previous owner already jazzed up the master cylinder with a billet cover. I'm even thinking of some aftermarket bars in a color that would accent the quads colors.

Is 10w40 too thin for summer? I'm in Oregon.

Yeah, it was for me if you really beat on your quad. I would go with the valvoline 20 - 50 if you ride hard in higher temperature ranges. When it got to be around 80 to 100 here it was a bit too much on the thinner oil, especially on hillclimbs. The valvoline 20 50 is the motorcycle oil that is also wet clutch friendly. The valvoline atv and motorcycle oils really work great for us when it comes to shifting, reallly smooth.
If ya think about it.......the oil temprature does make sense when it comes to clutch drag.

When the clutch disengages it doesnt leave a lotta space between the
the plates and the steels..........So the thicker cool oil has a dragging effect between them until it thins enough to flow smoothly between them all............

If your clutch grabs well on high rpm shifts when the motors hot...........its probabbly still good.

On the oil thing...............I've been running Castrol 20w50 (auto Oil) forever 1990 ta 2006 on the same warrior . Anyone else get away with it? LOL

Then again.....Im 99.9 % sure 20-50 doesnt have any of the energy conservative additives in it like the thinner oils. Which iss the reason there not good on the clutch in the first place............(as i recall reading somwhere)

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