Ct school shooting

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Yep, and that is why I posted what I posted. Yes it is tragic, and whole bunch of other adjectives to describe it. I don't have children, so it's effect on me is far different then those that do (that's not to say I don't feel anything, I do). It makes me furious that, like James said above, it fast gets turned into a foot hold for the leberals, and others, to try for laws that really wont solve anything. If someone wants to kill they will, simple as that. Unfortunitly that is how it is. If law makers (yeah thats a laugh) really want to do something, lets fight terrior where terrior is... right here at home, not abroad.
I have 5 children, and 5 grandchildren. I absolutely cannot fathom the devastaion these families are dealing with right now. Like you others have posted, this is not a time for our govt. to be talking gun laws, we should be focused on healing and doing a better job of getting mental health help to those who need it. As for me, I am going to hug and kiss my children! Clean and load my guns! Polish up my conceal/carry card! And go the range and take out some frustration and anger on some exploding Zombie targets!
I didn't mean to jump down anyones throat. It's just that even while the news was just coming out, politicians start talking gun rights. Pissed me off. I guess no catastraphy needs to go to waste.
I know where you are coming from, but I wasn't really talking about our rights. More so bitching that if our lovely government would focus more on the terrorism right here in our own country, rather then spending billions and killing our soldiers (wether they signed up for it or not) in places we really should not be, then things of this nature could become less and less. Atleast, that is how I hope it to be. Now 20 children will forever be children... Honestly I can't bare to watch it. It just makes me want to throw up it's so violent.

Cant say as I disagree with you my man.....I have two bautiful kids and this **** is horrible. And as far as Justice there is none this guy was a coward and took his own life. with the guns that were legally purchased and given to him by his mom who in turn was killed by him. I have pulled the trigger many times in Iraq and they were people i didnt know and it made me sick a number of times. Yes i signed up for it but unless your a little twisted nobody likes it. How this guy killed that many kids is out of this world to me. I sit here now with tears in my eyes thinking about my time deployed and how it made me feel to do my job and try to imagine what was going through this guys hhead to make him do something so sick. there must have been so much hate in his heart and i wonder if he would have just gotten a hug if that would have changed anything.
Cant say as I disagree with you my man.....I have two bautiful kids and this **** is horrible. And as far as Justice there is none this guy was a coward and took his own life. with the guns that were legally purchased and given to him by his mom who in turn was killed by him. I have pulled the trigger many times in Iraq and they were people i didnt know and it made me sick a number of times. Yes i signed up for it but unless your a little twisted nobody likes it. How this guy killed that many kids is out of this world to me. I sit here now with tears in my eyes thinking about my time deployed and how it made me feel to do my job and try to imagine what was going through this guys hhead to make him do something so sick. there must have been so much hate in his heart and i wonder if he would have just gotten a hug if that would have changed anything.
Levi, I have thanked you many times for your service, and will continue to do so!! I cant imagine what you have seen and gone thru in your job. The only way I will know, is if the government gets smart and takes us old guys who have lived long and good lives to do a job that you young guys are doing, and being put in harms way when you should be loving your wives and children! Take care my brother, hug your kids like I have been doing, kiss your wife and thank god you are here working on your warrior instead of being in some 3rd world **** hole being shot at! Thanks again! Semper Fi!
i read that 22? (i believe it was) kids were stabbed to death in china in a school on the same day. the world we live in is horrible and with or reelected... African/nonamerican president it WILL only get worse and i'm afraid we will be seeing more of these crazies come out of the wood works and doing sick twisted **** like this. All i'm saying is arm the legal citizens (including teachers and folks like postal workers) and none of these stupid ******** will have the balls to pull a gun on kids AND the ones that do will be ******* shot before they can harm a poor innocent child.
That's why I believe in concealed carry, because the psychos will think twice when they know someone might shoot back. BTW Levi, thanks for serving. I will always have a great deal of respect for our armed services.
my input: **** YALL IM GOING TO CANADA!
(none of this **** ever happens there!)
I'm ready to move to Australia or New Zaeland. I hate to say it, but, this country is fast becoming a joke...
I'm going to drop my opinion on the tragic events that happened the other day. You can take my opinion with a grain of salt because I am a proud Canadian, and we look at things a bit differently. 1/2 the cause of these type of things are the fault of the media, and some part of the blame has to be put on the relaxed gun control in the USA. I'll touch on both topics

First I'd love to see a law that says its illegal to say the shooters name on the news, radio or in print. Next year or the year after some poor unfortunate waste of skin is going to try and do something like this again but they will try to "up the ante". The shooter should ONLY be refereed to as "A 20y/0 with mental issues" nothing more. If Fox, CNN, NBC, the New York Times and People Magazine never write or talk about his life story we would all be better off. Why does it matter what school he went to, what video games he played, what colour his shirt was.. ..ect. Then maybe the next guy wouldn't try to have his life's story told by doing something as horrifying. I know its a freedom of speech issue so maybe rather then a "law" restricting what is said about the bad guy, your government and public figures can shame the media into not using his name and other details. The more everyone sensationalizes this guy the more some dirtbag will want to be the next story on every paper around the country. I never want to see or hear his name again.

On to gun control... Stopping Americans from owning guns is not going to work, period. Its far to late to close that door. Because you want the right to own a gun, you as a society, will forever have to live with the fact that for every good law abiding gun owner you give some scumbag criminal the opportunity to get their hands on a gun. There are a few things that would stop guns from getting into the wrong hands or being miss used. First make the rules the same across the country all the same so its not easier to get a gun in one state then another. Another idea would be to make it mandatory for all guns to be sold (new or used) with a quality (key or combo or maybe a fingerprint) trigger lock. Nothing says you have to have the lock on the gun, but any Father of a teenage boy would probably lock up the 9mm he has in his closet if he had a lock sitting right there. I'd bet that in its self would save thousands of lives. What would be the harm in making that mandatory? Maybe a few new factories would pop up that manufature gun locks, a few more good jobs. Would it be too much to ask for someone to spend $20 on a lock? I'd love to hear what the NRA has to say about that... Please if you own a gun, go lock it up so a bad guy cant use it.

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else" Winston Chirchill
well on your gun control topic there i have a few complaints. #1 it's not easier to get a firearm in one state then another because you CANT buy handguns out of your state of residence. all ALL firearms sold new comes with some form of lock (remington provides cable locks so the bolt cant be closed) ALL handguns come with a trigger or cable lock (cable lock goes through the ejection port in the slide and through the grip so a mag cant be inserted and the slide wont close) used guns aren't required to be sold with a lock BUT most folks included the factory one of if you want to lock it then go to the store and buy one. locking a damn gun WILL NOT save lives! doing like my parents did and getting your kids out and teaching them gun safety will! i've had a gun in my hands since i was 4y/o. "an unloaded gun is only as good as a rock" the point in having a home defense firearm is to defend your home... bad guy breaks in you gonna say "wait let me load my pistol" or "wait let me unlock my gun so i can shoot you" the problem isn't loose gun control.... it's people today and thinking our government is God almighty.

"Stopping Americans from owning guns is not going to work, period. Its far to late to close that door. Because you want the right to own a gun"
yes we do want the right to own our firearms because quite frankly THAT is the only thing keeping this country out of dictatorship. "to concur a country you must first disarm it". Our forefathers wrote the constitution to protect the American people from crap like this and they did it because of what they escaped from when they came over... they knew times like this would come.

just my 4.5 cents worth on that. i have different beliefs than most and long story short... it's not gun control thats the problem... it's parents not teaching they're kids how to use firearms... so please parents go get your guns out and teach your kids proper gun control! "use both hands ;)"
Proper use of a gun has nothing to do with gun control, really. It's point, pull, repeat; super easy. All somebody has to do is snap, and the CT shooting happens. Yes, I understand how to properly handle a firearm is something that should be learned if they are to be around you. But, what does it acomplish if people are still going to kill people? The worst things ever invented/discovered/created are: currency, oil, technology, guns, and politics.

Now... Before wargirl rips my head off over my putting guns in the "worst things" list, they are best used for hunting. Which is the main reason why they were created. It sure did make killing dinner way easier for the people of that time. Too bad it was also discovered that it made killing people just as easy, THAT is why they are on my list. I have nothing against guns personally. I'm not an expert, but I do know how to use one, and would not use one against a human for anything other then home defense. Some people would see me as a hypocrit, but really, if guns were never invented and someone broke into your house, what would you do? Kill or injure them with your bare hands or with some other object, that's what you'd do.

The media is one of the biggest problems with this country. They drag **** out way longer then it needs to be. They beat it to death, and pry where they shouldn't. When they put the CT shooting on I turn the channel or turn the tv off. Call me cold hearted, but I know what happened up there, I don't need it thrown in my face every time I turn on the news. If only the families effected by it could do the same...
the media is government controlled... they show what they're told/allowed to show

no comment on you gun control opinion pat
Wherever we can ride, bro!

I pick those two , I'd probably go to Ireland too, because I can not only ride, but, Polocrosse is BIG in those two countries. Besides, I can drive my 8.1 in Australia:) I'm not leaving my truck behind. Be expensive to get it, my two trailers, my two quads, and my two horses shipped over there though... And, the only reason why I leave Ireland from last, even though that is where my family is from, it is kinda wet and coldish over there if I remember right. I like warm and dry.
Levi, I have thanked you many times for your service, and will continue to do so!! I cant imagine what you have seen and gone thru in your job. The only way I will know, is if the government gets smart and takes us old guys who have lived long and good lives to do a job that you young guys are doing, and being put in harms way when you should be loving your wives and children! Take care my brother, hug your kids like I have been doing, kiss your wife and thank god you are here working on your warrior instead of being in some 3rd world **** hole being shot at! Thanks again! Semper Fi!

Thak you my friend! Hug my children I did, I'm in a class in New Orleans so i had to drive home on friday and I didnt much let go of them all night. I still cant think of ant reason for this mans actions against little kids? I look at mine and even though they can be a pain in the ass they are just so innocent. They should be loved and told how ******* awesome they are! maybe that was this kids problem he was a ****-up and mommy loved her class kids more them him? I know some of you dont have kids directly but they are awesome the thing kids do and say crack me up!

By the way my 4 year old got her first deer last night with daddy.
i dont have and munchkins... and at this rate i never will lol. but anyway i'm REAL close to all my lil cousins (range from 2y/o to 10 y/o) and they are just so amazingly innocent! not a worry in the world (except how to get another cookie) ah what it must be like to not have to worry about anything. i sure hope i have kids some day so i can experience being a parent. way to much violence in the world these days... thats for sure!
i dont have and munchkins... and at this rate i never will lol. but anyway i'm REAL close to all my lil cousins (range from 2y/o to 10 y/o) and they are just so amazingly innocent! not a worry in the world (except how to get another cookie) ah what it must be like to not have to worry about anything. i sure hope i have kids some day so i can experience being a parent. way to much violence in the world these days... thats for sure!

not going to lie my first was kind of an accident for me and my wife(but i wouldnt change it for anything) I never wanted kids cause i didnt want to bring anything into this world and see the sad state we are in. But i have my one each girl/ boy and they are awesome.

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