I appreciate all the compliments Weston and Phantom really keeps me motivated, Right now im about 65% done with it, Hopefully In the next few months It will be finished.
@Drknight77 Thanks man, I love the blue and carbon combo, I lucked into the rear fenders. Maier had a auction on Ebay and I ended up winning them for 126 bucks so I saved a lot.
Update on some parts, I got my YFZ Proarmor grab bar today, Thanks again Coty for the info on fitment issues. I see now what you was talking about, I have already cut 1 inch off the mounts of it, So far it looks like its gonna go on smooth with no worries about flexing if bumped or dragged by wheelies. I need to make some rear fender brackets an its ready to go. Ive seen people leave small things like that incomplete and to me it looks trashy, I don't wanna be ridin and my fenders flopping like a new born bird trying to fly for the first time.