Enjoying the summer?

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Sure will be nice to ride without choking on dust though wet and muddy is better than dry and dusty imo
yep lol plus the fact that i'm surounded by sand lol its so dusty the we loose sight of a 4 wheeler 10 feet in front of us lol
It's been really dry and dusty where I am.... We need a good couple days worth of rain to knock down that dust so more than one person can ride at a time... It's not fun riding the tracks and jumps when you can't see if your second in line..
Its rained enough to drown a fish in the last 6 weeks!! The storm coming into the gulf will bring more rain in 6 to 10 days. Having to cut grass twice a week!!
**** I haven't cut my grass in over a month. My friend JUST cut it yesterday for me while I was at work. Took that long for it grow long enough to cut.
I cut my grass this summer like I snowblowed snow last winter like 3 ******* times lol
Summer has been hot and humid here , 105 & 80% humidity is not riding weather for us so it's been build time on the raptor
If you guys are having grass cutting withdrawal, welcome to cut mine!! Payment will be room and board for one night, beer and BBQ!!

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