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Heh you people have to learn how to scrap... i've had my nose broken 2x, broken atleast 1 bone in each hand (on different accounts), been jumped, and a broken foot all in different fights... so far other then the time i got jumped (got the better of one kid, and when i was getting off him a kid ran over and kicked me in the face w/ a set of work boots on, broken nose #1) and that's the one fight i didn't get the better of the other guy in. i have the scars to prove it, and when i get my cam back from my friends house i'll post some of em (2 plates and 13 pins in my left forearm, i'll see if i can get the X-ray's up also and the cartilidge is completely seperated from the bone in my nose (at the bridge of the nose, and by my top lip, on the good side, it won't break again, unles the bone gives way).
But on the comment about the fighting people bigger than you... not true, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog, i'm 5'7'' 210 lbs and pretty built (47 in. back, and 34 in. waist) but the hardest fight i had was a guy my size (height not build)
...You're a pretty popular guy, huh?

yea... ::)
I try not to fight, and the last time I did was atleast 2 - 2 1/2 years ago. But when push comes to shove, i'll stand my ground. The way I see it, if someone is stupid enough to start a fight, if i'm in it, I'm going to try to end it, however I can.
But on the comment about the fighting people bigger than you... not true, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog, i'm 5'7'' 210 lbs and pretty built (47 in. back, and 34 in. waist) but the hardest fight i had was a guy my size (height not build)
thats pertaining to me right??? ive never fought someone my size or weight... im like 5'5" and 125 lbs smallest kid i fought was like 5'8" and 145 lbs and that was the last fight ......... like a month ago
to Kingraptor: yea, no offence but I think it would be safe to assume that it would be tough to find someone that is an overly aggresive person your size (actually going around starting fights and such). But my point was it's not always the size of the people in the fight. Like I stated earlier, my toughest fight was someone my size, when I have fought people 6'2''+ 225+ that just didn't know what they were doing, and made stupid mistakes...
But given your size, it would be beneficial to yourself if you knew how to hold your own against people more experienced than you in fighting.
Like someone stated before, as have I, "There is NO Fair Fight." Take shots at people knees, eyes, anything. Someone may say Ohh yea well you stuck your thumb in his eye. Just say back to them, yea well he swung at me first. Now he's the one w/ the vision problem, and he'll know not to start with me again.
p.s. I don't care what happens, if one guy is on the ground unconsious (spelling?), he has lost the fight. No matter if he busted up your knee, or anything. If he can't keep going, you win. (sorry for the long posts)
to Kingraptor: yea, no offence but I think it would be safe to assume that it would be tough to find someone that is an overly aggresive person your size
i know ppl will start **** with me thinking im a little bitch and they find out soon enough that im not gonna take that ****
i know ppl will start **** with me thinking im a little bitch and they find out soon enough that im not gonna take that ************.jpg
i know ppl will start **** with me thinking im a little bitch and they find out soon enough that im not gonna take that ************.jpg[/quote:pa3xcmzl] exactly.......... nice pic... lol how long were you waiting to use that one there POPS? ;)
haha funny ****

not too many fights in my time. last one was in 7th grade. after that no one ****** with me. im pretty chill

if a bunch of friends get into something, im there but otherwise i hate fighting
The best fight is a quick one. Either walk away, or if you can't punch them right in the throat...But be damn sure it's your life or his if you do that... There's no such thing fair street fighting... The winner is the one who hurts the least...
Lol, im in grade 9 right now. and scince you guys are sharing stories, i might as well. i must of been in like grade 4 or 5 and this kid i knew was throwing stones at me in the park. and i just got there. so i ignored him thinking he was just playing around. and then he kept doing it calling me names. and my friend who is now in grade 12. he must of been in grade 7 or 8 at the time says why dont you go kick his ass. and i said ok, get your ass down here. to the kid that was throwing rocks at me. And he says he could kick my ass. so he comes and he was walking towards me trying to kick me in the nuts or the legs. so i back up untill we get on some grass, and he kicked me in the leg, so i took him and threw him on the ground. put my knees on his arms so he couldnt swing and punched him in the head a few times. left, right, left, right. but the thing is i wasnt even punching him hard!!! after i was done. i got off of him and he got up and walked away from me. he was crying. and my friend was laughing. he says to the kid "i thought you said you could kick his ass" and the kid sniffles and says "i did" and walks away crying! HAHHA i remember that like it happend last week. but wow it was soo funny. i know its nothing compared to your fights but theres no use getting into fights. people i know go up to people saying oh i could kick your ass. and then the pushing starts. then punches. but people fight for no reason most of the times. its crazy/ Lol
i was at a dance that was in august. the 2th. and my friend acting tough like always.. this other kid thinks hes tough too and he thinks my friend is saying **** about him and w/e so they yell at eachother and they get so close it looks like they might kiss. and this other kid takes his 2 hands and grabbs him by his neck and shakes him pretty hard a few times. and while he was doing that he was kicking him in the buts and in his leg witch caused a cut. and then he punched my friend in the face like 3 times. but the REALLY funny thing is when my friend gets into fights he doesnt think the other guy is gunna do anything so he stands there. and he got the **** kicked outta him. his face was starting to bruise right after. and the other kid got kicked out. but it all happend cause they think they're tough.
not to go on about this but.. my friend knows not to mess with me anymore. in grade 7 he thinks hes tough and he makes fun of me. i let it go and tell him to shut up. so the next day he still makes fun of me. so when hes turning around i tackle his ass to the ground on hard ground. cause it was winter. and after that he never messes with me. and he should know if he ever does its gunna be worse. cause we're supposed to be friends. but yeah, i typed a lot here. Lol, im all done

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