Front Brakes

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
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So I recently got the screw that was stripped on the brake perch and drained the old smelly dark gray brake fluid and got some new stuff. I put it in and now i get no brakes at all? I tryed bleeding them about 20 times on just one side and still nothing? is there a trick to this?
update: bleed em a **** load more and starting to get pressure. has about as much as last time but i still think there should be more. oh well at least it sorta stops now
the short cut around bleeding the brakes so much is to reverse bleed them by forcing fluid from the calipers up to the master cylinder. they sell fancy tools to do this but for the average person ive found that a pump style oil can does the trick. just put a peice of hose from the bleeder to the tip of the oil can and pump fluid up through the lines untill you get decient pressure. then just bleed the brakes as normal
Yea i mean there is no air in the lines for sure the brakes function just they dont stop like there suppose to. what can i check? it seems like it should have more pressure on the lever. Should i buy a new brake assembly /?
probably just need to be bleed more.

I just did mine yesterday, new pads, and changed out the brake fluid that looked like rusty water!! I actualy just cracked a bleeder intending to let it gravity bleed to drain out hte resivoir.. then i got impatient, wiped out what lilttle was left in it, cleaned it, then filled up.. gently nudged the lever in n out till no more bubbles came out the top.

then let gravity bleed for awhile, or just bleed normal..

took awhile as I let it drain down so far, there was almost no pressure at all when I first started. bet I pumped and bleed for 40 mins just on the one side, but then again, I was also aiming to get all the dirty fluid out, so kept going till it came out nice n clear, then did the other side.

eventualy it got to be nice and tight. before I had to pull the lever all the way to the bar to get any stoppage.
now I doubt I could squeeze it half way there if I tried.

I also had a caliper on the one side that the sliders were siezed up solid, had to work with it abit to free it up and get it apart, clean her all up, re-lube and re-install.

she stops 1000x better, and I havent even got the pads broke in yet!!

just keep bleeding both sides some more, check n make sure your calipers move all nice and free as well..

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