Got another quad.

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After a good ride today, I found out something disturbing. I figured this 700 would give my LT250R a good run for its money. Nope my "little" LT250r spanks this 700 big time. Cant wait for the exhaust and programer to come in so I can See what this thing can do.
You did get a killer deal on that thing then. My dealer wouldn't go under $6999 for a 2007 just a couple months ago, but they don't have any local competition so they get away with whatever they want to rob you for.

I don't care though, to me the 700 is definitely worth it.

Your 250 must be really built because I've only been beat in a straight line one time with my 700, and that was against a built ltr450 on the track. My warrior was actually pretty close to my cousin's stock 86 quadracer, and the warrior is sure as hell nothing close to the raptor.

What made you decide to go with the fmf quiet exhaust? After my first experience I don't think i'll ever put another FMF product on anything I own as long as I live. To me duals are the only way to go on the 700 if you're going full afermarket.
I had to go with a quiet exhaust cause the LEO's here are cracking down hard on db levels. I have to try and keep it under 93db. The FMF is over that but just barely, and its better then stock. Its at the bottom of the list for exhausts, but I have to play by the rules :mad: My quadracer is built nicely, cool head running 210 compression, full drag porting, straight cut gears, 39pwk carb bored out to 40.5mm. and it light as hell ;D it screams and surprises alot of people draggin at the dunes.
Well both new quads and my trailer are gone. Stolen in broad daylight from my driveway :mad: Well that was a nice $13,000 down the drain. :mad:
Holy **** that really sucks. If I were you I would be out patrolling non-stop until I found the sum'******* that theived that ****, and give them an ass kicking they would never forget.
Holy **** that really sucks. If I were you I would be out patrolling non-stop until I found the sum'******* that theived that ****, and give them an ass kicking they would never forget.

I have hundreds of people out looking and listening, everybody from my quad club and my work are pissed. Every dealership in Oregon and Washington have been notified incase they tried to get new keysets. This has been broadcasted on the radio since one of our members works at a station, he in turn was able to get it out on 2 tv news stations. We have a better chance of finding them or the people responsible then the cops do. Have you heard the expression "Mess with me, and you mess with the whole trailer park"? Well mess with one of our club memebers and you mess with all of us. We are hoping for the best but expecting the worse. At least the **** heads didnt get my Suzuki ;D we are in thr process of working out a deal with one of our members by trading all the new banshee stuff we got that was never installed plus some cash for his spare quad, which just so happens to be another LT250R ;D
It sounds like you have a decent chance of getting them back then. Best of luck getting them back in your driveway as soon as possible.
damn dude that sucks. post this **** on exriders in the stolen quad section..alot seems to go on in of luck getting them back and getting back on the quads
Blows major balls. People are ********. Hope it all works out for you. Any updates into the investigation yet?
I guess they have a possible suspect, they caught a vehicle on a security camera stealing waverunners in a nieghboring town. They know who the person is and they live in my town. Im hoping that it is them that stole our quads and they catch up to them. Wont know till they are caught if the are the ones that stole the quads or not.
I hope you get your machines back man, what a bummer. If you find the guy be sure to make an example out of him...... thieving dirtbags
ridinfast03 said:
Good luck man, been there and did that before. Tell me you had insurance?

Nope didnt have insurance on them yet. We were waiting for payday so we could pay the whole year in advance, which would of been 4 days after they were stolen :mad: oh well lesson learned. We picked up the wife another quad 3 days after the theft, and another trailer 6 days after the theft. We got her a 1986 Suzuki LT250R, not the best year for the quadracers, but it works. Its just piped and filtered, and has a +2/+4 axle. Im in the process of looking for another jug for my LT, Since its now my only dune quad, the full drag port on this jug just isnt going to cut it. I need something where I can ride without having to be full throttle all the time.
Oh and we do have insurance on both LT's and the new trailer now.
We recovered my Raptor and trailer today ;D a logger spotted it out in the boonies on the trailer hidden in the trees covered by a green tarp. Hope we have the same luck with the wifes Banshee
Really hope you find that shee. Was it all just sitting on its lonesome, or was it near a residence of some sort.
Wow man congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get that insurance - good luck on the shee. I hope you treated that logger to a steak dinner too. haha
here are some pictures from when we recovered it, it was hidden quite well.

A small tree they just RAN OVER to get it all back there...

Where they sat back in the brush...








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