How bout if I both super and turbo charged a warrior, with 2.225:1 compression so I can run 100lbs of boost, modified a TRX450R 5 valve head to fit, and did the stock exhaust mod, what kind of HP would I be looking at then???
I have a sense of humor, sometimes. It just is irritating to me when guys say crap like that. I bet she rides better than you.
then im doing 10.25:1 84mm and keeping my stock cylinder and getting my head ported
I got a ride that she's welcome too.......
I ment my quad, get your head outta the gutter :tup:
Damn, after that I think I'll stick to my "Girls shouldn't ride quads"...
Seems a lot safer...
i got the stocker and thats all i can do right now but i plan on modding my air box soon and what cam would recomend stage 1 hot cam?