how good is a DG megaphone exaust!!

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Sweet I will try it I will phone the yami dealer an see if they have a 45 in stock what is it now for stock an this backfire can it be cause my header pipe is not sealed or is that nothing to do with it just a tiny bit of air when I first start it??
Hey I was gona ask the o ring that's in the head for the header pipe to seal can I flip it around an will it still work or is it one way only I want to try to seal it up abit anyway I don't want to use gasket **** don't like that stuff or do ya think just never mind about it an am I loseing any power with a tiny header pipe leak???I'm stuck:(
Take the header off pull the gasket or oring which ever you call it and clent theem with spay and a rag and the serface on the head were its supposed to seal then coat both sides of the gasket kinda thick it RED scilicone and bolt everything back up and let it set for about a hour that's. How you can fix ur head pipe leak nor for jets the rt pilot should stop the poping but for the main jet you will have to pull the spark plug to tell
I have looked at the plug an looks rich weird for sure how am I getting more fuel now with this pipe on seem like I need to tone it down on the jets but I will try the 45 pilot an see what happens an I got the head pipe to seal just had to move it around abit an don't pop as much now!!
K I just have to get time lol I'm at my buddy now but I will put a few dollars in the tank an go for a rip but I do really feel a lot more power from this pipe like I'm being sucked off the seat lmao a lot better that's for sure I'm runnin with air box lid on to I will post when I take anouther ride on it thanks guys!
Well that pipe throws the heat big time melted my air box lmfao I got it fixed but the plug is going a greyish so should I do the main jet an the pilot or one at a time I'm stumped!
Bump the main up one size and clean the spary plug or sand blast it and go again and for the heat if you rap it in header wrap it will cool it better and it will run better too
Lol ya that's what I thought it was call header wrap cool I got some cheap stuff an its workin but I will be getting the wrap for sure thanks man I will order a main for it!
When you mod an engine, it usually becomes lean and needs to be richened up. An overly hot exhaust is a sign of it being lean and so is the backfiring. You'll want to make your jetting changes one at a time to dial it in so you can see what effect each change makes.

I'm not sure you'll need to change the pilot jet at all, but never say never when carb tuning. I'd start by going 1 main jet size bigger and then lowering the needle clip one spot. I'd imagine that would get you pretty close.
Poping on decel means lean on the pilot jet bogging or sputtering when on the throttle means rich or lean on the main jet
I'm not sure if I will move my needle lots of guys on the forum say to keep it in the middle but since I got the bike it has had this issue its like a back in forth motion like it just won't hit top speed an sometimes it clears its self an works good I have cleaned the carb twice now both times the carb was nice an clean I put air through all the ports an blew them out good!an still does it here an there I am very confused on this bike I have even cleaned the petcock fuel valve it was never looked after an buddy drove it like this for a year people are ****** lol an when its doin its thing the exaust roasts my right leg it crazy I'm almost thinking the diafram or something is screwed need some good help on this oyea I went to a performance atv shop an they asked me what I was runnin an they gave me a 160 main jet I put it in an its not bad but I will need a pilot jet now u think guys an should I still drive the bike it should be rich now with that 160 or do u think I should just get a new carb???sorry for the long post:(
When you cleaned the carb did you soak it in the gallon jug of carb cleaner? There are tiny passages that are pretty hard to check weather they are clear or not.
I wasn't saying to check the passages, I mean to clean it. I'd personally strip the carb down pull everything rubber off and soak it in the gallon style carb cleaner for a few hours. Many of those tiny passages are pretty impossible to check and could easily be clogged. My carb looked brand new almost when I cracked it open but after soaking it for 4 hours it ran flawlessly.
So what is the consensus on the DG?
I have one and although it is loud....I don't see how there
could be any restriction with this unit...
I am going to repack it.....and install a pipe bomb header....
If it does not squelch it to my liking...then I will buy the rest
of the pipe......
Does anyone have any real world info on the DG?
I can't believe a machine could be in production for 17 years and
no pipe comparison tests?:???:

Anybody have links to old magazine articles?
I have Googled my brains out to no avail.

So what is the consensus on the DG?
I have one and although it is loud....I don't see how there
could be any restriction with this unit...
I am going to repack it.....and install a pipe bomb header....
If it does not squelch it to my liking...then I will buy the rest
of the pipe......
Does anyone have any real world info on the DG?
I can't believe a machine could be in production for 17 years and
no pipe comparison tests?:???:

Anybody have links to old magazine articles?
I have Googled my brains out to no avail.

"pipe bomb header" Is that what you meant to say? I think you meant Power Bomb, haha
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"pipe bomb header" Is that what you meant to say? I think you meant Power Bomb, haha

I was too caught up thinking of pyrotechnic antics of youth.....
We use to blow a lot of **** up when I was young....:leer:

But it really should be called the "Pipe Bomb" don't ya think?


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